सामग्री पर जाएँ

विकिपीडिया:चौपाल/पुरालेख 1

मुक्त ज्ञानकोश विकिपीडिया से
पुरालेख 1 पुरालेख 2

यह पृष्ठ विकिपीडिया चौपाल की वार्ताओं का पुरालेख पृष्ठ है। नवीनतम वार्ताओं के लिए देखें विकिपीडिया:चौपाल


मैंने यह एक नया पन्ना बनाया है, जिसको सिंपल इंग्लिश विकिपीडिया से कॉपी किया था। यह पृष्ठ नये लेखकों को एक दिशा देनें के लिये है। नये लेखक जिनको यह समझ न आये कि उनको किस चीज़ के ऊपर लिखना है वे इस पृष्ठ पर जा कर वहां शामिल किये हुए किसी भी लेख को आगे बढ़ा सकते हैं। आशा है कि इससे और स्वयंसेवकों को शुरुआत करने में सहायता मिलेगी। -- Spundun १७:४०, ७ Oct २००४ (UTC)

इस पेज का नाम अंग्रेज़ी विकिपीडिया के Village Pump का सीधा अनुवाद है। मेरे विचार से हिंदी में हम इसे चौपाल या बैठक के नाम से बना सकते हैँ। oldbasara ११:२४, ७ अक्टूबर २००६ (UTC)

मैं भारत का निवासी हूं। इंटरनेट की दुनिया मैंने सन २००० में देखी परंतु यह बहुत मंहगा साधन है, इसलिये यह आम आदमी कि पहुंच से बाहर है। अगर विश्व के कुछ लोग चाहें तो यह मुफ़्त में भी गरीब लोगों को मिल सकता है, जिससे पूरे विश्व में विश्व बन्धुत्व आ सकेगा। अगर यह लेख कोई पढे तो इसको अग्रसारित कर विश्व के उन अमीरों के पास डाल दे, जो अपने पैसे को मात्र अय्याशी मै खर्च करते हैं। हो सकता है कि उनके दिमाग मै बात बैठ जाये और विश्व में कल्यांण हो नमस्कार मेरा पता-

नाम-मोहन सिंह बिष्ट, ग्राम-क्यारी, पोस्ट-रामनगर, जिला-नैनीताल राज्य-उत्तरांचल, देश-भारत पिन कोड-२४४७१५

कोई हमारे साथ तो जुड़े पर वह मेरे विश्व,देश,राज्य,जिला,गांव व घर तक जुड़े तो बात बने। फ़िर में भी उसके सांथ घर ,गांव,जिला,राज्य,देश व विश्व से जुड़ने को तैयार हूं। Visit:- www.choupal.wordpress.com

Stewards election


The stewards election has started on m:Stewards/elections 2005. Anyone can vote provided that he has a valid account on meta with a link to at least one user page, on a project where the editor is a participant, with at least 3 months participation to the project. Stewards can give sysop right on projects where there are no local bureaucrate. Please vote ! Yann 14:40, 18 May 2005 (UTC)



I create a copy of Babel here: विकिपीडिया:बाबेल. Use at will. Yann १०:२१, २ जुलाई २००५ (UTC)

15 1 12 6
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1 14 7 12
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Halló! I created some templates to ilustrate some special properties of the 4x4 type en:Most-perfect magic squares. These squares come from India and I would be happy to know more about their cultural background.
With the availability of <inputbox> (meta:Help:inputbox) and its expected improuvments "one click previews" about these properties could be generated without overloding the page.
Please let me know if you will have some time to generate more of the required templates and to work on thi page. Please drop a note at meta:examples. Thanks in advance. Best regards Gangleri १०:१३, १४ जुलाई २००५ (UTC)

Please Express Your Objection

There’s someone proposing a policy to close some minor, slow-growing, “hopeless” wikipedias on the wikimedia meta-wiki. (see Toytoy's proposed policy for wiki closure) This proposal is the enemy to the openness of the whole wikipedia community. I come here to inform you to express your opinion there. I think it's OK to use your own language on the talk page. Thank you. --Theodoranian०१:२४, २८ जुलाई २००५ (UTC)

Localized date formats need to be verified

Dear Wikipedians,

I need your help to look at date formats for your language. I created a large list of formats here. Please take a look and fix any mistakes or add any new formats. This will help interwiki bot to match en:April 1, fr:1 avril, ru:1 апреля, zh:4月1日, and all other sites together.

What's needed: Look here at every format for your language, fix any mistakes, note any exceptions (some languages have 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc naming schemas, or year 1 is written as '1 (year)' unlike all other years).

Also, I would like to receive a bot status on your site for my bot User:YurikBot. It will be mostly involved in interwikies.

Thank you!!!

You can contact me at en:Yurik (-- २२:०२, २४ सितम्बर २००५ (UTC))

Interwiki Bot Status

Hi. I would like to get my interwiki bot YurikBot marked as a bot in your language. The bot is already operating in almost 50 languages, and it would lower the server load and improve the quality of articles if all interwikies are updated at the same time. You can read more or ask questions here. I always run the latest version of the Pywikipediabot (i am also one of the developers of this project). The request for the bot status is here. Please support. Thank you. --Yurik (en) 03:11, २४ दिसम्बर २००५ (UTC)

Bot status granted to YurikBot. 11:43, २४ दिसम्बर २००५ (UTC)


There is a lot of vandlism here and this wikipedia needs a lot of activity. I found there is no AfD, the common.css is empty, the guidelines are very few. Where do we discuss all the changes needed here? The mailing list has no activity since months. The article विकिपीडिया:नया पन्ना कैसे आरम्भ करें redirects to मेरी नयी सदस्यता, which is nothing but spam. This has to be deleted, but i don't know where to list this request, as there is no AfD. 16:26, १६ फरवरी २००६ (UTC)


We have a discussion about the transcription of ताज महल to hebrew at he wikipedia, and we could benefit from a recorded example of the name. if anyone could upload an example to commons, we would be grateful. Thanks in advance, Felagund, he wiki ambassador.

स्टब, सबस्टब

"स्टब" और "सबस्टब" अंग्रेज़ी बोली है। मुझे लगता है कि ऐसे अंग्रेज़ी अलफ़ाज़ इस्तमाल करने से लेख समझना थोड़ा मुशकिल हो जाता है। हम इनके लिए ज़रूर कोइ हिन्दी शब्द इज़ाद कर सकते हैं!

अगर मै अपनी राय पेश करूं तो हम "स्टब" के बदले मे "पौधा" और"सबस्टब" के बदले मे "बीज" इस्तमाल कर सकते हैं। येलेख की हालत को साफ़-शफ़ाफ़ बेयान करते हैं (छोटे हैं, मगर आपकी मदद के साथ उगके बढे हो सकते हैं), और विकी-कल्पना को भी पेश करते हैं।नीनॉर्स्क विकीपीडिया पे हमने ऐसे ही कुछ किया।

ये बस मेरा ख्याल था - अगर आप को पसन्द न आए तो कोई बात नहीं। -- अरविन्द १५:२१, ९ जून २००६ (UTC)

मैं भी सोचता हूँ कि कुछ हिन्दी में बेहतर है. मैं भी सोचता हूँ कि दोनो स्टब और सबस्टब नहीं चाहिए. केवल एक अच्छा है. - Taxman १६:५९, ३१ अक्टूबर २००६ (UTC)
"स्टब" और "सबस्टब" मुझे भी उलझा देते है। उसके बदले हिंदी का एक शव्द इस्तेमाल कर सके तो अच्छा होगा। पौधा और बीज के बदले, क्या मै शैशव प्रस्तावित कर सकता हूँ।:मितुल ०५:४२, १ नवम्बर २००६ (UTC)

मेरे ख्याल से मुद्दा यह रहा है कि "स्टब" या "सबस्टब" जैसे शब्द हिन्दी प्रयोक्ताओं के लिये मायने नहीं रखते। पर "अंकुर" या "पौध" जैसे अलंकारित शब्द रखने से भी खास लाभ नहीं होगा क्योंकि नये प्रयोक्ताओं या पाठकों के ये शब्द भी स्टब जितने ही अनजान शब्द होंगे। बेहतर हो यदि सीधा अर्थ समझाने वाले शब्द लिये जायें, जैसे सबस्टब के लिये "अपरिपक्व" और स्टब के लिये "प्रारंभिक" या "आरंभिक" या "आधार"। अगर आप लिखेंगे "यह एक आधार लेख है" या "यह अपरिपक्व लेख है" तो मायने ज्यादा स्पष्ट होंगे।

--देबाशीष १०:४६, १ नवम्बर २००६ (UTC)

देबाशीष की बातो का समर्थन करता हूँ। शब्द सरल होना चाहिए। "अपरिपक्व" शब्द से लग सकता है जो स्टब नही है वे परिपक्व है और योगदान न भी मिले तो ठीक है। तो "आधार लेख" शब्द ज्यादा उपयुक्त होगा। अगर शब्द से ऐसा लगे कि लेख को बढाना चाहिए तो और भी ज्यादा उपयुक्त होगा। मजेदार शब्द "बच्चा लेख" हो सकता था। :) (उदाहरण: यह एक बच्चा लेख है) अगर कोई अन्य शब्द नही सुझाया गया तो मेरा मत अभी तक तो "आधार लेख" पर है, मगर ऐसा लगता है और उपयुक्त शब्द हो सकता है।

--मितुल ०६:०६, २ नवम्बर २००६ (UTC)

A top box

Liked a top box on all the pages in Marathi Wikipedia mr:मुखपृष्ठ , giving a link on how to write in Marathi. Its a good idea. Will love to see that in Hindi wikipedia too. सदस्य:Mitul0520 23 Jun 2006


मैंने इस पृष्ठ मे कुछ शीर्षक जोड़े हैं. आगे और भी जोड़ूंगा. Lost ११:५६, २४ अगस्त २००६ (UTC)

हिन्दी विकिपीडिया

विकास मिलजुल-कर करें लेंगें:

--मात्रा ०८:४९, ४ अक्टूबर २००६ (UTC)

Wikimania 2007 Team Bulletin

Published by the Wikimania 2007 Taipei Team, Wikimania 2007 Team Bulletin provides the latest news of the Team's organizing work to everyone who is interested in Wikimania; it also gives the Team chances to announce calls for help/participation, so assistance in human and other resources can be sought in a wider range. Team Bulletin is published at the official website of Wikimania 2007 and released to the public domain. Issue 1 and Issue 2 has already published.-- ०१:५६, २९ अक्टूबर २००६ (UTC)

प्रगति (Progress)

The Hindi Wikipedia is growing nicely and is gaining new users. We need to do everything we can to help them contribute more easily. Sorry for leaving this message in English, I make too many errors and it takes too long for me to write this much in Hindi.

  • simplifying and completing the translation of the help pages. We should have the minimum number of pages, but all the links to them should be consistent. We don't need all the redundant pages the English Wikipedia has. विकिपीडिया:सहायता should be well organized and complete.
  • simplifying or removing (at least for now) things that don't help improve articles. At the current level of activity, we don't need some of the things that work on larger projects. We can simplify the project and focus the work better. For example the link on the left to हाल की घटनाएँ is a page that takes time to update, but doesn't help all that much in improving articles. I think it would be much more valuable to link to this page (विकिपीडिया:गाँव का पम्प) which is designed to be a community gathering and discussion place to coordinate work on the project. The same goes for the main page, we shouldn't have things there that need to be updated often until there are people that want to do that consistently. For now we should have a simple one that introduces the project and directs people to how they can help.
  • Let people that can't type in devanagari know they yogdan kar sakta hai in latin characters like that and someone else can transliterate it into Hindi. Maybe have a place where such contributions can be made easily. I think the difficulty of typing in devanagari keeps a lot of people away. We could create a template that adds articles that need to be transliterated into a category and people like me that can do the transliterating can do that part for them.
  • As a side note, can we rename गाँव का पम्प to something that's more natural Hindi? Anything that people would understand as a community gathering place would work, something like main square.
  • I'm willing to help with any of the above, but I was hoping for more input.
धन्यवाद, - Taxman १७:०५, ३१ अक्टूबर २००६ (UTC)
My 2 cents -
* I have worked towards a page विकिपीडिया:योगदान. Agree that we need to work harder on help page. Any kind of help on reorganizing help is welcome.
* Adding (विकिपीडिया:गाँव का पम्प) is a good idea. Will still love to keep current events in left-box (my personal preference). I want to work on developing current events page. Want community to write their favroite news on hindi-wikipedia. If possible develope pages related with the news.
* People will start writing in latin characters. We still do not have enough man-power and interest among them for translation. More than translation, original contents should get attention. So, got to oppose this idea for now. Writing in devnagri is not difficult anymore. Many options are available. Hindi wikipedia should let people know about the options. e.g. by providing link at main page, help page, village pump etc.
* गाँव का पम्प can be renamed to चौपाल, पंचायत, पारकिंग लॉट, सभाघर or simply सभा| Lets keep beginning of next month as deadline.
* Also look at विकिपीडिया:मुखपृष्ठ and its discussion page.
* I propose to form an "Hindi wikipedia management group". Individuals who not only have good suggestions but also take responsibility of implementing them.
* We need more translations at विशेष:Allmessages
--मितुल ०६:४९, २ नवम्बर २००६ (UTC)
1) I just think the current events is an example of something that would be better to wait on until after we get the interface and help pages translated, but if you'd like to keep it updated, that's fine. 2) For the same reason, you're probably right about the latin transliteration, it was just an idea. 3) चौपाल sounds great, so why not go with that unless you want to wait until after the link is on the left and even more people agree. 4) This page is the best place for the activities that any Hindi Wikipedia management group would do. It's a volunteer project, and past experience shows that you can't hold people responsible to doing things. Just list tasks, coordinate work, and let people know what's the most important. Then people work on what they like to. Adding the link to here on the left will really help in letting people know this is the place to coordinate work. Keep up the good work. - Taxman २१:५८, १६ नवम्बर २००६ (UTC)

नमस्कार, I want to say two things here. Typing is definitely one of the biggest blockers for contributors but I think that enough good options are available now. On my talk page on English wikipedia, when DaGizza invited me to contribute to Hindi Wikipedia, he gave me some links, some of which I like very much. I am reposting part of his message here:

I have some sites that convert online -> [2] [3] [4] (for the third one, after you enter click the word "Keyboard" then choose Romanised Hindi). I also have some sites where you can download a simple converter. [5] [6] Eg. Writing Teraa naam kyaa hai? becomes तेरा नाम क्या है?

And secondly, I would also support Chaupal चौपाल for Village Pump. धन्यवाद । --अभिषेकपाण्डेय १८:४१, २ नवम्बर २००६ (UTC)

Nepal Bhasa

  • Nepal Bhasa wikipedia has recently started developing here . We would like to increase co-ordination between the two wikipedia, share resources as well as to learn from this version. If someone is interested, please visit Nepal Bhasa Embassy--युकेश २०:१२, ४ नवम्बर २००६ (UTC)

Indian international numerals

A user left a comment at MediaWiki talk:Recentchangestext that international numerals are more useful for a greater number of people. I agree, and since they're derived from Indian numerals anyway, I don't see the harm. Our mission is to provide a useful reference work, not to preserve numerals that aren't as commonly used. - Taxman २०:१३, २१ नवम्बर २००६ (UTC)

Sorry for delayed reply on this count.While I understand pro's specialy for easier international understanding ;currently on devanagari wikipedias it is not practical.
First limitation is these sources which we are producing at wikipedia are free for reusage in print media.Such a possibility exists for HindiaWikipedia because low cost Hindi Print media has got its own strengths.In Hindi Mainland belt majority studies in Hindi Govt schools up to primary level where ,I suppose they are still following Devanagari numarals.School drop out after primary education percentages in rural India are very high.So in general community interest I do not support this step as of to day.
The second problem is ,although ,not very serious is a technical one . Most of computer devanagari wriiting system softwares provide for devanagari numerals as default. Then again problem comes everybody following different numaral,at times which becomes defficult for sorting out duplication of pages etc.

Mahitgar ०७:५०, ३ जनवरी २००७ (UTC)

Abt a South Asian project

Plz visit this South Asian Project page for the development of South Asian languages and express yourself there.--युकेश १६:३६, २४ नवम्बर २००६ (UTC)

Requesting help in designing a barnstar

All Indian Languages using wikipedians,
Further promotion of Indic language wikipedias needs mass media publicity like Print,Radio,telvision , aproaching in academic Institutions.
Also if possible a level of field support from network engineers in India for presentation and training in usage of Indian Languages and wikipedia can be a added boon.
May I call on all indic language wikipedia users,to put our hands together to design special barnstars or suggest one which can be awarded to all those who will support our noble cause with actual field support among Indian education institutions and Indian mass media or actual field 'network'help to users.
I belive we should award barnstars to such users who can support the cause through online publicity like blogs , groups etc. also.
Please do share any good development in this regards to all indic language wikipedias at विकिपिडिया: देवनागरी टेम्प्लेट परियोजना

Hindi Script Problem

मेरे कुछ प्रॉब्लेम होता है । When I search for लद्दाख़ on Google, I get 149 results. But when I search for लद्दाख़ on Google, I get no results at all. What is the difference. I believe that this is a problem with the नुकता (़). Because when I search for आज़ाद on Google I get 10,100 results. But when I search for अज़ाद on Google I only get 620 results. On BhashaIndia Hindi IME (The Hindi Program I am using), it only gives the results on Google with the lowest results. I only get more results if I go into Word, Insert->Symbol->Font: Mangal, double-click on ज/क/ख, and then ़.

What has happened? Please give your thoughts. --Wolf १०:५१, २१ दिसम्बर २००६ (UTC)

The ones where you are getting no results, the nukta is "built in" to the character it modifies as a single character, instead of the nukta being it's own diacritic, at least google is treating it that way. Apparently google only indexes their content one way. For example when I follow your second link with no results and hit backspace at the end, it deletes the whole character whereas in the link that works it just deletes the diacritic as a separate character. You can see the difference in the html entity codes from the two search results. Just one of the many difficulties in using unicode text that haven't been worked out fully. I'm not sure on a fix for you, except that when I type in the word लद्दाख़ using my keyboard, google finds the correct search result. Maybe use a different program than BhashaIndia? - Taxman १७:०९, २१ दिसम्बर २००६ (UTC)
Thank you for the reply. OK, it must be a fault of BhashaIndia. Can you please recommend me on a good Hindi writing program? I have tried many, but somehow my Language bar got messed up, so I had to re-install unicode support. Which Hindi writing program do you use? --Wolf १७:१५, २१ दिसम्बर २००६ (UTC)
I don't use any of the writing programs. I set up Indic text input using the instructions at en:Help:Multilingual support (Indic) and I use the en:Image:Devanagari INSCRIPT.png layout that is available by default. Once you know the layout, you can type directly. I learned by printing that layout out and referring to it util I just memorized them. It might be easier to learn if you bought a keyboard overlay or stuck some label's on the keys. That reminds me, when you type ख़ with BhashaIndia, do you type it as one character or as ख and then type the diacritic? Or does it combine them even if you type separately? - Taxman १५:४७, २२ दिसम्बर २००६ (UTC)
On BhashaIndia I just type 'Kh' and ख़ comes up. I don't type the Nukta separately. I think I'll stick with it anyhow. It's really hard (for me) to learn a new layout. Thanks anyway though. --Wolf १२:०६, २३ दिसम्बर २००६ (UTC