The template साँचा:Tlbautomatically wikilink an IPA symbol to the respective sound article. IPAlink displays the bare IPA
symbol. Showing IPA defined brackets like // is an input option.
साँचा:Tlb, साँचा:Tlb and साँचा:Tlb are earlier versions with predefined angular <>, square [] or slash // brackets. The conversion table is not defined in this template, but inherited from {{IPAsym}}.
[संपादित करें]- First parameter or
ipa symbol=
(required): Any IPA symbol, or its IPA number. {{IPAlink|m}}
→ m{{IPAlink|ɡb}}
→ ɡb{{IPAlink|301}}
→ 301
- Label
, or second parameter: changes the label of the wikilink.
- When set to blank,
, no label is showsn and the IPA symbol name is shown. (Note:showsymbol=
does the same, but is deprecated)
- When set to blank,
{{IPAlink|m|label=Any text}}
→ Any text{{IPAlink|m|showsymbol=Any text}}
→ Any text{{IPAlink|m|Any text}}
→ Any text{{IPAlink|ɡb|label=}}
→ voiced labial-velar plosive
- Brackets
, or third parameter: set IPA bracket. Options are:/ [ < (none)
. Default is none.{{IPAlink|m||<}}
→ <m>{{IPAlink|301||<}}
→ <301>{{IPAlink|m||[}}
→ [m]{{IPAlink|ɡb||[}}
→ [ɡb]{{IPAlink|ɡb||/}}
→ /ɡb/
- Error situation
If the IPA symbol is not defined in the IPAsym table, then an error message is returned.
- {{IPAlink|pʰɪk}} → Error using {{IPAsym}}: IPA symbol "pʰɪk" not found in list
The latter is normally more an example of accidental misuse than intentional use, or it could be a sign that a symbol is missing from the {{IPAsym}} table.
- Option "showsymbol" deprecated (use label= or 2nd unnamed parameter, preferred)
The template can take the extra input like "showsymbol=A", and then show that symbol, while linking to the appropriate article. The symbol to be shown can also be the second, unnamed parameter.
Option name
[संपादित करें]Full parameter list
[संपादित करें]In the short form:
{{IPAlink | | | | name = | errortext = | showsymbol= }}
Equally, the longer including optional names:
{{IPAlink | ipa symbol= <!-- or 1st unnamed parameter--> | label = <!-- or 2nd unnnamed paramter --> | bracket = <!-- or 3rd unnamed parameter --> | name = <!-- yes/no --> | errortext = | showsymbol= <!-- deprecated, use label= ==> }}
See also
[संपादित करें] ऊपर दिए गए निर्देश साँचा:IPAlink/doc से लिए गए है।(संपादन | इतिहास) संपादक इस साँचे के प्रयोगस्थल व प्रयोग पन्नों में प्रयोग कर सकते है। sandbox (create) and testcases (create) pages. कृपया /doc उपपृष्ठ पर श्रेणियाँ व विकियों के बिच की कड़ियाँ जोड़े। इस साँचे के उपपृष्ठ। |