साँचा:ज्ञानसन्दूक तूफ़ान/doc

मुक्त ज्ञानकोश विकिपीडिया से

उपयोग[संपादित करें]

साधारण उपयोग[संपादित करें]

{{ज्ञानसन्दूक तूफ़ान
| name           = 
| basin          = <!-- Enter one: Atl, EPac, WPac, NIO, SWI, Aus, SPac (see [[Tropical cyclone basins]]) -->
| image          = <!-- filename only -->
| caption        = 
| formed         = <!-- {{start date|yyyy|mm|dd}} -->
| dissipated     = <!-- {{end date|yyyy|mm|dd}} -->
| extratropical  = <!-- {{start date|yyyy|mm|dd}} -->
| remnant low    = <!-- {{start date|yyyy|mm|dd}} -->
| 1-min winds    = <!-- in knots, number only -->
| 3-min winds    = <!-- in knots, number only -->
| 10-min winds   = <!-- in knots, number only -->
| gusts          = <!-- in knots, number only -->
| pressure       = <!-- in mbar (hPa), number only -->
| fatalities     = 
| damages        = 
| affected       = 
| cycloneseason  = 

सक्रिय तूफ़ान[संपादित करें]

{{ज्ञानसन्दूक तूफ़ान
| name           = 
| basin          = <!-- Enter one: Atl, EPac, WPac, NIO, SWI, Aus, SPac (see [[Tropical cyclone basins]]) -->
| image          = <!-- filename only -->
| caption        = 
| formed         = <!-- {{start date|yyyy|mm|dd}} -->
| dissipated     = <!--leave blank until storm ends, then use {{end date|yyyy|mm|dd}} -->
| extratropical  = <!-- {{start date|yyyy|mm|dd}} -->
| remnant low    = <!-- {{start date|yyyy|mm|dd}} -->
| 1-min winds    = <!-- in knots (other units will display automatically) -->
| 3-min winds    = <!-- in knots (other units will display automatically) -->
| 10-min winds   = <!-- in knots (other units will display automatically) -->
| gusts          = <!-- in knots (other units will display automatically) -->
| pressure       = <!-- in mbar (hPa) (other units will display automatically) -->
| fatalities     = 
| damages        = <!-- Cost of damage in pure number form (in USD, unless currency specified) -->
| year           = <!-- year used for damages figure -->
| currency       = <!-- currency used for damages. Use the [[ISO 4217]] currency code (ex. USD, AUD, JPY) -->
| affected       = <!-- Areas affected -->
| cycloneseason  = <!-- link to season article (ex. [[2014 Pacific typhoon season]]) -->
<!-- Remove these after storm has ended -->
| track         = <!-- storm tracking image filename -->
| track_caption = <!-- Caption below tracking map. defaults to "Forecast map" -->
| time          = <!-- current time used for data (give both local and UTC) -->
| location      = <!-- {{Coord|LAT|LONG|type:event|display=inline}}  (set "display=inline,title" if used on a main article for the storm) -->
| movement      = <!-- direction and speed of movement -->
| mainarticle   = <!-- Page name of the main storm article (helpful when infobox used in season articles) -->

पूराने तूफ़ान का पूर्ण उपयोग[संपादित करें]

{{ज्ञानसन्दूक तूफ़ान
| name           = 
| basin          = <!-- Enter one: Atl, EPac, WPac, NIO, SWI, Aus, SPac (see [[Tropical cyclone basins]]) -->
| type           = <!-- Manual entry of minor storm type (ex. Tropical depression, Tropical storm, Subtropical storm) -->
| category       = <!-- (use only if outside the above basins) manual entry of heading colors, see [[Template:Storm colour]] -->
| image          = 
| alt            = 
| caption        = 
| formed         = <!-- {{start date|yyyy|mm|dd}} -->
| dissipated     = <!--leave blank until storm ends, then use {{end date|yyyy|mm|dd}} -->
| extratropical  = <!-- {{start date|yyyy|mm|dd}} -->
| remnant low    = <!-- {{start date|yyyy|mm|dd}} -->
| 1-min prefix   = 
| 1-min winds    = <!-- in knots (plain number only, other units will display automatically) -->
| 3-min prefix   = 
| 3-min winds    = <!-- in knots (plain number only, other units will display automatically) -->
| 10-min prefix  = 
| 10-min winds   = <!-- in knots (plain number only, other units will display automatically) -->
| gustspre       = <!-- text to display before gusts, eg: <,≤,>,≥ -->
| gusts          = <!-- in knots (plain number only, other units will display automatically) -->
| pressurepre    = <!-- text to display before pressure, eg: <,≤,>,≥ -->
| pressure       = <!-- in mbar (hPa) -->
| pressurepost   = <!-- text to display below pressure, eg: "world record" -->
| fatalities     = 
| damagespre     = 
| damages        = <!-- Cost of damage in pure number form (in USD, unless currency specified) -->
| year           = <!-- year used for damages figure -->
| currency       = <!-- currency used for damages. Use the [[ISO 4217]] currency code (ex. USD, AUD, JPY) -->
| damagespost    = 
| affected       = <!-- Areas affected -->
| misc           = <!-- Additional relevant information not covered by other sections -->
| cycloneseason  = <!-- link to season article (ex. [[2014 Pacific typhoon season]]) -->
| series         = 
| related        = 
| mainarticle    = <!-- Page name of the main storm article (helpful when infobox used in season articles) -->

उदाहरण[संपादित करें]

हुदहुद चक्रवात
बहुत गंभीर चक्रवाती तूफान (आईएमडी पैमाना)
श्रेणी 3 उष्णकटिबंधीय चक्रवात (SSHWS)
११ अक्टूबर २०१४ को बंगाल की खाड़ी पर हुदहुद
गठन७ अक्टूबर २०१४
व्यस्तवर्तमान में सक्रिय
उच्चतम हवाएं3-मिनट निरंतर : 150 किमी/घंटा (90 मील प्रति घंटा)
1-मिनट निरंतर : 205 किमी/घंटा (125 मील प्रति घंटा)
सबसे कम दबाव966 hPa (mbar); 28.53 inHg
प्रभावित क्षेत्रअण्डमान और निकोबार द्वीपसमूह
2014 उत्तर हिंद महासागर चक्रवात मौसम का हिस्सा
{{ज्ञानसन्दूक तूफ़ान
| Name=हुदहुद चक्रवात
| Basin=NIO
| Year=२०१४
| Image location=Hudhud 2014-10-11 0730Z.jpg
| Image name=११ अक्टूबर २०१४ को बंगाल की खाड़ी पर हुदहुद
| Formed=७ अक्टूबर २०१४
| Dissipated=वर्तमान में सक्रिय
| 3-min winds=80
| 1-min winds=110
| Pressure=966
| Fatalities=
| Damages=
| Areas=[[अण्डमान और निकोबार द्वीपसमूह]]
| cycloneseason=2014 उत्तर हिंद महासागर चक्रवात  मौसम

स्थूलप्रारूप[संपादित करें]

The HTML mark up produced by this template includes an hCalendar microformat, which makes the event details parsable by computers, either acting automatically to catalogue articles across Wikipedia, or via a browser tool operated by a person, to (for example) add the subject to a calendar or diary application. For more information about the use of microformats on Wikipedia, please see the microformat project.

Sub-templates[संपादित करें]

Dates will only be included if you use {{Start date}} or {{End date}} (use the former for single dates; but do not use any of these if the date is before 1583 CE).

URLs will only be included if you use {{URL}}.

Please do not remove instances of these sub-templates.

Classes[संपादित करें]

hCalendar uses HTML classes including:

  • attendee
  • contact
  • description
  • dtend
  • dtstart
  • location
  • organiser
  • summary
  • url
  • vevent

Please do not rename or remove these classes; nor collapse nested elements which use them.

प्राचल[संपादित करें]

यह ज्ञानसन्दूक विशेष रूप से उष्णकटिबंधीय चक्रवातों से सम्बंधित घटनाओं के लिए है (तूफ़ान, आँधी, उष्णकटिबंधीय तूफ़ान, उष्णकटिबंधीय अवसाद)

साँचे के पैरामीटर्स


The name of the storm as given by the RSMC, TCWC, or other meteorological organization with jurisdiction over the region where the storm was at peak intensity. (Capitalize every word.)


[Important!] Code for one of the [[tropical cyclone basins]] that the storm belongs. Enter one: Atl, EPac, WPac, NIO, SWI, Aus, SPac, or leave blank only if rare storm outside of main basins.


Manual entry for type of storm if outside one of the basins ("hurricane", "typhoon" or "cyclone"). This parameter will accept everything, but ensure proper capitalization.


Manual entry for type header, per [[Template:Storm colour]].


[Important!] Location of picture to use


Alternate text for main image, use if file name is not descriptive.


Caption text for main image.


Do not use this setting unless correcting a specific problem. Images will scale to user preferences.


Used for active storms only. File name of storm map or forecast map.


Used for active storms only. Alternate text for tracking image, use if file name is not descriptive.


Used for active storms only. Caption text for tracking image.

Forecast map

Date of formation; use {{start date|yyyy|mm|dd}}.


Date of storm end; leave blank until storm ends, then add {{end date|yyyy|mm|dd}}.


Date storm went [[Extratropical cyclone|Extratropical]], use {{start date|yyyy|mm|dd}}.

remnant lowremnant low

Date storm degenerated into a [[Post-tropical cyclone|Remnant low]], use {{start date|yyyy|mm|dd}}.

Highest winds10-min winds

Sustained wind average over a period of 10 minutes (used by most weather agencies) as a pure number. The template will convert appropriately.

Highest winds3-min winds

Sustained wind average over a period of 3 minute (used by RSMC New Delhi) as a pure number. The template will convert appropriately.

Highest winds1-min winds

[Important!] Sustained wind average over a period of one minute (used for the Saffir–Simpson hurricane wind scale) as a pure number. The template will convert appropriately.

Highest windsgusts

[Important!] Gusts in [[Knot (unit)|knots]] as a pure number. The template will convert appropriately.

Highest winds10-min prefix

Optional text before "10-min winds"

Highest winds3-min prefix

Optional text before "3-min winds"

Highest winds1-min prefix

Optional text before "1-min winds"

Highest windsgustspre

Optional text before "gusts"

Lowest pressurepressurepre

Optional text before "pressure"

Lowest pressurepressure

[Important!] Pressure in mbar (hPa) as a pure number, will be displayed with labels and converted to inHg.

Lowest pressurepressurepost

Optional text after "pressure"


Number killed


Optional text before "damages"


Monetary cost of damage given as a pure number.


Year used for damages amount


Alternative currency used for damage amount (default is USD)


Optional text after "damages"

Areas affectedaffected

Areas affected by the storm (wikilink to location articles)

पृष्ठ का नामवैकल्पिक

Used for active storms only. Time of report used for infobox data. Include both local time and UTC.


Used for active storms only. The current location of the storm, use {{Coord|LAT|LONG|type:event|display=inline}} (set "display=inline,title" if used on a main article for the storm).


Speed and direction of storm

miscmisc module

Use for relevant information not covered by other parameters (not typically used).


Page with list of other storms this year in the same basin.

पृष्ठ का नामवैकल्पिक

Other articles related to this storm (used only for major storms),

पृष्ठ का नामवैकल्पिक

अन्य सम्बंधित लेख। (आम तौर पर काम के नहीं)

पृष्ठ का नामवैकल्पिक

यदि यह ज्ञानसन्दूक किसी मौसमी लेख में लगाया जाता है अथवा किसी अन्य पृष्ठ के अनुभाग में लगया जाता है तो तूफ़ान से सम्बंधित मुख्य लेख की कड़ी देता है।

पृष्ठ का नामवैकल्पिक

इन्हें भी देखें[संपादित करें]