सामग्री पर जाएँ


इस सदस्य को हिन्दी विकिपीडिया पर प्रशासक अधिकार प्राप्त हैं।
मुक्त ज्ञानकोश विकिपीडिया से

Example (talk · contribs · count · email)

Names with (or without) equal signs can be given as 1=Username or User=Username :

Other user information templates

[संपादित करें]

User information templates provide informational links for a user; they are similar to signatures, but often provide additional information, and may be used by other users.

Standard User information templates
साँचा निर्मित करता है... ('उदाहरण' को सदस्य खाता नाम के लिए काम में लिया गया है।)
{{User0}} उदाहरण (वार्ता)
{{User}} {{User1}} {{BUser}} उदाहरण (वार्ता योगदान)
{{Usertc}} उदाहरण (वार्ता योगदान)
{{Usertcb}} [[::User:उदाहरण|उदाहरण]] ([[::User talk:उदाहरण|talk]]| [[::Special:Contributions/उदाहरण|contribs]]| [[::Special:Block/उदाहरण|block]])
{{User2}} उदाहरण (talk contribs count)
{{User2a}} साँचा:User2a
{{User3}} उदाहरण (talk contribs logs)
{{User3-small}} उदाहरण (talk · contribs · logs)
{{User4}} उदाहरण (talk contribs  email)
{{User5}} उदाहरण (talk · contribs · deleted contribs · page moves · block user · block log)
{{User6}} उदाहरण (talk contribs count logs page moves block log email)
{{User7}} उदाहरण (talk contribs count logs email)
{{User8}} उदाहरण (talk · contribs · count · email)
{{User9}} उदाहरण (talk contribs count)
{{User10}} उदाहरण (talk contribs count logs)
{{User11}} उदाहरण (talk contribs count total block log)
{{User12}} अच्छा उदाहरण! (talk contribs page moves  block user block log)
{{User13}} उदाहरण (talk · contribs · logs · block log)
{{User14}} उदाहरण (talk · contribs · global contribs · logs · block log)
{{User15}} उदाहरण (talk contribs count logs page moves block log summary)
{{User16}} उदाहरण (talk message contribs page moves deleted contribs summary count total logs block log block email)
{{User17}} (User17 देखें।)
{{User19}} उदाहरण (talk · contribs · global contribs · page moves · user creation · block log)
{{User20}} उदाहरण (talk contribs count logs page moves block log)
{{User21}} उदाहरण (talk · contribs · deleted contribs · page moves · block user · logs · block log · ban · arb · rfc · lta · SPI )
{{User22}} उदाहरण (talk · contribs · block log · email)
{{UserSummary}} उदाहरण (talkcontribsdeleted contribswhat links to user pagecountCOIBotuser page logsx-wikistatusEdit filter searchGoogle)
{{User plus}} उदाहरणcontact
{{User1 plus}} उदाहरण (talkcontribs | UHxUtHx | UtEUt+)
{{User2 plus}} Jimbo Wales (talkcontribs | UHxUtHx | UtEUt+)
{{User toolbox}}
{{Useranon}} (talk)
{{IPuser}} (talkcontribsinfoWHOIS)
{{IPSummary}} (talkcontribsdeleted contribswhat links to user pageCOIBotcountblock logx-wikiEdit filter search || WHOISRDNStracerouteippages.comrobtex.comtorGoogleAboutUs)
{{Userv}} {{UserV}} {{Uv}} {{UV}} उदाहरण (talk | contribs)
User information templates normally used on administrative pages
साँचा निर्मित करता है... ('उदाहरण' सदस्य नाम के लिए काम में लिया गया है।)
{{User-c}} उदाहरण (t c)
{{User-c-name}} उदाहरण (t·c)
{{User-t}} उदाहरण (t·c) / meta:उदाहरण (t·c)
{{User-t2}} उदाहरण (t·c) / meta:उदाहरण (t·c) / commons:उदाहरण (t·c)
{{Useredits}} उदाहरण (contribs)
{{UserContribs}} contributions
{{Ccount}} Contribution count for "उदाहरण"
{{Useracc}} उदाहरण (talk contribs account creation)
{{UserBk}} उदाहरण (block log)
{{Userblock}} उदाहरण (talk · contribs · block log)
{{Userblocked}} उदाहरण (talkcontribspage movesCurrent Autoblocksblock log)
{{UserVP}} उदाहरण (talkcontribscountblock log)
{{Userlogs}} Logs for "उदाहरण"
{{Userrights}} उदाहरण (current rights · rights log (local) · rights log (global/meta) · block log)
{{Userlinks}} उदाहरण (talk · contribs · deleted contribs · logs · edit filter log · block user · block log)
{{Userlinks2}} उदाहरण (talk · contribs · blocks · count · rollback · admin · logs)
{{Userlinks-abbr}} (u t c m l )
{{Userlinks-external}} उदाहरण (talkcontribspage movesblock userblock log)
{{Userlinks-tt}} उदाहरण ("%E0%A4%89%E0%A4%A6%E0%A4%BE%E0%A4%B9%E0%A4%B0%E0%A4%A3" • talkcontribspage movesblock userblock log)
{{UserFs}} उदाहरण (block log · checkuser)
{{Usercheck}} उदाहरण (talk · contribs · count · logs · block log · lu · rfa · rfb · arb · rfc · lta · rfcu · ssp · socks )
{{Usercheck-short}} उदाहरण (talk · contribs · deleted · count [quick] · logs · block log · lu · rfar · rfc · rfcu · ssp · spi)
{{Usercheck-full}} उदाहरण (वार्ताmessageयोगदानवैश्विक योगदानहटाये गये योगदान  • नाम बदलाव  • सदस्य सृजनसदस्य अवरोधित  • अवरोध लॉगगिनतीtotallogsसारई-मेल | सदस्यसूची •  rfa  • rfb  • arb  • rfc  • lta  • checkuser  • spi  • socks | rfarrfcrfcusspsearch an, ani, cn, an3 | current rightsrights log (local)rights log (global/meta) | rightsrenamesbotsअवरोधितसुरक्षितहटायेपुनर्स्थापितadminलॉग | UHxUtHxUtE)
{{Checkuser}} उदाहरण (talk+tagcontribsdeleted contribslogsfilter logblock userblock logSULcheckuser)
{{User-full}} उदाहरण  (talk · contribs · checkuser · block user · block log · edit count)
{{Admincheck}} उदाहरण (talk · contribs · count · logs · block log · lu · rfa · rfb · arb · rfc · lta · spi · checkuser · socks rights blocks protects deletions moves)
{{Socklinks}} उदाहरण (talk+ · contribs · deleted contribs · tag · block user · block log · checkuser)
{{Vandal}} उदाहरण (वार्ता • योगदान • हटाये गये योगदान • सफ़ाई करें • लॉग • फ़िल्टर चिह्नित लॉग • अवरोधित करें • अवरोध लॉग)
{{Vandal-s}} उदाहरण (talkcontribsblock log)
{{Vandal-m}} उदाहरण (talkcontribsblock logauto )
{{User-uaa}} उदाहरण (talk · contribs · deleted · filter log · SUL · Google) (block · soft · promo · cause · bot · hard · spam · vandal)
{{Notable user}} उदाहरण (usertalkcontribs)
{{Checkip}} (talk+tagcontribsfilter logWHOIS  • RBLsblock userblock logcross-wiki contribscheckip)
{{IPcheck}} (talk · tag · contribs · count · WHOIS · RDNS · trace · RBLshttplogs · block log · arb · rfc · lta · spi · checkuser · socks )
{{IPvandal}} (वार्ता · योगदान · हटाये गये योगदान · फिल्टरित लॉग · अवरोधित करें · अवरोध लॉग)
{{IPunblock}} (talkcontribsdeleted contribsWHOISRDNStraceRBLsblock logunblock)
प्रबन्धकों, प्रशासकों और बॉट खातों के लिए सदस्य सूचना साँचे
साँचा निर्मित करता है... ('उदाहरण' को सदस्य खाता नाम के लिए काम में लिया गया है।)
{{Admin}} उदाहरण (वार्ता योगदान रोके गए सुरक्षित किए गए हटाये गए नाम बदले गए)
{{Admin-abbr}} उदाहरण (t c b p d m r)
यह सदस्य उदाहरण के प्रशासक है  (verify)
{{Bureaucrat2}} उदाहरण (talk · contribs · blocks · protections · deletions · moves · rights · renames)
{{Botlinks}} Example Bot (taskscontribsactions logblock logflag loguser rights)
{{Botlinks2}} Example Bot (talk contribs tasks flag log actions log block log other logs count)
{{Botlinks3}} Example Bot (task listcontribs)
{{Formeradmin}} उदाहरण (talk contribs former admin: blocks protects deletions rights meta)
सदस्यों के हस्ताक्षर नहीं होने की स्थिति में जोड़े जाने वाले साँचे
साँचा निर्मित करता है... ('उदाहरण' सदस्य खाता नाम के लिए काम में लिया गया है।)
— इस अहस्ताक्षरित संदेश के लेखक हैं -उदाहरण (वार्तायोगदान) 05:59, 7 जून 2008 (UTC)
{{unsigned4}} साँचा:Unsigned4
{{unsigned5}} The preceding comment was added by उदाहरण (talkcontribspage movesblock userblock log)
{{unsigned6}} साँचा:Unsigned6
{{unsigned7}} This unsigned comment was submitted by उदाहरण (talk · contribs · deleted contribs · page moves · block user · block log) on 05:59, 7 जून 2008 (UTC). Please sign your posts on talk pages!
{{unsigned8}} साँचा:Unsigned8
{{unsigned9}} —This comment was added by उदाहरण (talk) • (contribs) without signing their name using four tildes (~~~~). Please sign your posts!
— Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 05:59, 7 जून 2008 (UTC)
--उदाहरण (talkcontribs) 05:59, 7 जून 2008 (UTC)
{{Uns-ip}} —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talkcontribsWHOIS) 05:59, 7 जून 2008 (UTC).
{{Uns-ip-van}} साँचा:Uns-ip-van
{{undated}} —Preceding undated comment added 18:45, दिसम्बर 6, 2006.
{{UserActual}} —The preceding comment signed as by उदाहरण (talkcontribs) was actually added by उदाहरण2 (talkcontribs)
{{quotedfrom}} —The preceding text was posted on User talk:उदाहरण by Ben (talkcontribs), 00:14, 9 मार्च 2007 (UTC), (diff).
{{warningorigin}} —The preceding warning was originally posted on User talk:उदाहरण by Ben (talkcontribs), 00:14, 9 मार्च 2007 (UTC), (diff).
{{unsigned2Fix}} —Preceding signed comment was added by उदाहरण (talkcontribs) 18:45, दिसम्बर 6, 2006, but the signature was removed while fixing wiki markup errors.
{{unsignedIP2Fix}} —Preceding signed comment added by (talk) 18:45, दिसम्बर 6, 2006, but its signature was removed while wikimarkup errors were being fixed.