सामग्री पर जाएँ

सदस्य वार्ता:Lijo babycmi

पृष्ठ की सामग्री दूसरी भाषाओं में उपलब्ध नहीं है।
विषय जोड़ें
मुक्त ज्ञानकोश विकिपीडिया से
स्वागत!  नमस्कार Lijo babycmi जी! आपका हिन्दी विकिपीडिया में स्वागत है।

-- नया सदस्य सन्देश (वार्ता) 09:52, 19 जून 2015 (UTC)उत्तर दें

Lijo babycmi/बैंकिंग क्षेत्र में हाल के रुझान पृष्ठ को शीघ्र हटाने का नामांकन[संपादित करें]

नमस्कार, आपके द्वारा बनाए पृष्ठ Lijo babycmi/बैंकिंग क्षेत्र में हाल के रुझान को विकिपीडिया पर पृष्ठ हटाने की नीति के मापदंड व2 के अंतर्गत शीघ्र हटाने के लिये नामांकित किया गया है।

व2 • परीक्षण पृष्ठ

इसमें वे पृष्ठ आते हैं जिन्हें परीक्षण के लिये बनाया गया है। यदि आपने यह पृष्ठ परीक्षण के लिये बनाया था तो उसके लिये प्रयोगस्थल का उपयोग करें। यदि आप विकिपीडिया पर हिन्दी टाइप करना सीखना चाहते हैं तो देवनागरी में कैसे टाइप करें पृष्ठ देखें।

यदि यह पृष्ठ अभी हटाया नहीं गया है तो आप पृष्ठ में सुधार कर सकते हैं ताकि वह विकिपीडिया की नीतियों पर खरा उतरे। यदि आपको लगता है कि यह पृष्ठ इस मापदंड के अंतर्गत नहीं आता है तो आप पृष्ठ पर जाकर नामांकन टैग पर दिये हुए बटन पर क्लिक कर के इस नामांकन के विरोध का कारण बता सकते हैं। कृपया ध्यान रखें कि शीघ्र हटाने के नामांकन के पश्चात यदि पृष्ठ नीति अनुसार शीघ्र हटाने योग्य पाया जाता है तो उसे कभी भी हटाया जा सकता है।

जयप्रकाश >>> वार्ता 21:05, 11 जनवरी 2017 (UTC)उत्तर दें

Reflection on "Samaritan woman In The Bible"[संपादित करें]

The story of the nameless Samaritan woman at the well, recorded only in the Gospel of John, is a revealing one, full of many truths and powerful lessons for us today. in the Gospel this woman appears in John 4:4–42: in the Gospel we see that While Jesus was speaking with Samaritan woman, the disciples came with astonishment, even though they want to ask Jesus, why he speaks to the Samaritan woman, because there are two reasons to think, the first, she was a Samaritan, and as the apostle comment’s Jews have no dealings with Samaritans {v 9}. The most common view is that the origin of the Samaritans, they were a mixed race as a result of intermarriage between earlier Hebrews of northern kingdom of Israel and the Assyrian settlers in Israel. Second, her gender present an obstacle, normally Jewish men did not speak to woman in public. Even in the street a Hebrew man won’t talk with mother, sister, daughter, or wife. Even those days it is believed that, many Jewish men started the day with a prayer to god, expressing thanks that he was neither a gentile, a slave nor a woman. Here, the son of god, therefore in one fell swoop, broke through two barriers, the one steeped in racial intolerance, the other hurtful sexist disposition that distanced from one of the sweetest treasure of god’s creations. Let us ask oneself am I able to accept others with their diversities and differences. And let us never ever separate people in the name of colour, wealth, religion etc… and let us not be or let our service not be limited to particular group of people. Further when we go, we see that disciples were urging Jesus to eat something, there we see, Jesus is saying about the food which disciples don’t know, and also he just made a hint to them that his food is to do the will of God. And it is also an answer to an unasked question which pondered in the mind of disciples that why Jesus speaks to Samaritan woman. St. John was fulfilling the purpose of his gospel in showing his readers how various kinds and classes of people came to believe in Jesus as the son of god, and the true way to god. He presents all the miracles of Jesus as a sigh which promote people to experience the love of god. Only in john’s gospel we see Jesus’ encounter with Samaritan woman. And it comes in-between the seven sighs or miracle of Jesus. After the encounter with Jesus she was quick to spread the gospel and through her many followed Jesus. So in a way it was a miracle where a sinful woman transformed in to a disciple of Jesus and an evangelist to the gospel. In the eastern Christian tradition, the woman’s name was unknown, later she was christened ‘photina’. She is celebrated as a saint of renown. Through this, by adding this event in-between the 7 seven sighs St. John made clear that the ultimate purpose of Jesus is to lead people in to the father, our god almighty. Every move he made, every step he took, every breath he inhaled, every word he spoke, it was all for the greater glory of the father who sent him. in our daily life we too do a lot of things.... Do we do it for the glory of the God.. There may be a lot of obstacles at our feet, but we have to focus on our goal, so that all that obstacle will turn to be a stepping stone to do the will of God.
