सामग्री पर जाएँ

साँचा:Largest cities

मुक्त ज्ञानकोश विकिपीडिया से
परिचय का प्रतीक साँचा परिचय[देखें] [संपादन] [इतिहास] [पर्ज]

A template meant to facilitate the creation of a "Largest cities in country X" template. It accommodates either 10 or 20 entries, plus 4 pictures representing the 4 largest cities.

{{Largest cities
| name         = <!-- name of the template, e.g. Largest cities of Chile -->
| country      = <!-- the name of the country, e.g. Chile -->
| stat_ref     = <!-- the source of the population figures, e.g. Instituto Nacional de Estadisticas de Chile -->
| list_by_pop  = <!-- link to the list of cities in the given country, if possible sorted by population -->
| class        = <!-- can be changed to "nav" to alter the template's colour scheme -->
| div_name     = <!-- the name of the main administrative subdivision, e.g. Province, State, Region... -->
| div_link     = <!-- the template will automatically create a link for "div_name of country" (e.g. Provinces of Chile), if this doesn't work you can use this field -->

| city_1       = <!-- a link to the article about the largest city -->
| div_1        = <!-- link to the administrative subdivision where said city is located -->
| pop_1        = <!--population, do include the commas to separate the thousands -->
| img_1        = <-- a picture showing an overview of the city -->

| city_2 = | div_2 = |pop_2 = |img_2 =
| city_3 = | div_3 = |pop_3 = |img_3 = 
| city_4 = | div_4 = |pop_4 = |img_4 =
| city_5 = | div_5 = |pop_5 = |img_5=
| city_6 = | div_6 = |pop_6 = |img_6=
| city_7 = | div_7 = |pop_7 = |img_7=
| city_8 = | div_8 = |pop_8 = |img_8=
| city_9 = | div_9 = |pop_9 = |img_9=
| city_10 = | div_10 = |pop_10 = |img_10=
| city_11 = | div_11 = |pop_11 = |img_12=
| city_12 = | div_12 = | pop_12 = 
| city_13 = | div_13 = | pop_13 = 
| city_14 = | div_14 = | pop_14 = 
| city_15 = | div_15 = | pop_15 = 
| city_16 = | div_16 = | pop_16 = 
| city_17 = | div_17 = | pop_17 = 
| city_18 = | div_18 = | pop_18 = 
| city_19 = | div_19 = | pop_19 = 
| city_20 = | div_20 = | pop_20 = 