सामग्री पर जाएँ

साँचा:ज्ञानसन्दूक ओएस

मुक्त ज्ञानकोश विकिपीडिया से
परिचय का प्रतीक साँचा परिचय[देखें] [संपादन] [इतिहास] [पर्ज]
{{ज्ञानसन्दूक ओएस
| name                   = <!-- Name of program or distribution -->
| logo                   = <!-- filename only (no wikilink, no Image:/File:) -->
| logo caption           =
| logo size              =
| logo alt               =
| screenshot             = <!-- filename only (no wikilink, no Image:/File:) -->
| caption                =
| screenshot size        =
| screenshot alt         =
| collapsible            =
| version of             = <!-- For articles about releases of operating systems ONLY -->
| developer              = <!-- Name of main developer or sponsor-->
| family                 = <!-- "Unix-like" or "Microsoft Windows" -->
| working state          = <!-- "Current", "Discontinued" (operating systems), or "No longer supported" (releases) -->
| source model           = <!-- "Open source", "Closed source", or "Shared source" -->
| released               = <!-- {{Start date and age|YYYY|MM|DD|df=yes/no}} -->
| discontinued           = <!-- DON'T use this for articles about releases of operating systems -->
| RTM date               = <!-- {{Start date and age|YYYY|MM|DD|df=yes/no}} ONLY for articles about OS releases -->
| GA date                = <!-- {{Start date and age|YYYY|MM|DD|df=yes/no}} ONLY for articles about OS releases -->
| latest release version =
| latest release date    = <!-- {{Start date and age|YYYY|MM|DD|df=yes/no}} -->
| latest preview version =
| latest preview date    = <!-- {{Start date and age|YYYY|MM|DD|df=yes/no}} -->
| marketing target       =
| programmed in          =
| language               = <!-- Supported human languages (English, French, Italian, Arabic, ...) -->
| update model           = <!-- APT, Windows Update, etc. -->
| package manager        = <!-- dpkg, rpm, Windows installer, etc. -->
| supported platforms    = <!-- IA-32, x64, Itanium, ARM, etc. -->
| kernel type            = <!-- Hybrid, Monolithic, Microkernel, Exokernel, Nanokernel, etc. -->
| userland               =
| ui                     =
| license                =
| preceded by            =
| succeeded by           =
| website                = <!-- {{URL|www.example.org}} -->
| support status         = <!-- For articles about releases of operating systems ONLY -->
| other articles         = 