सामग्री पर जाएँ

साँचा:ज्ञानसंदूक पुनरावृत्ति घटना

मुक्त ज्ञानकोश विकिपीडिया से
परिचय का प्रतीक साँचा परिचय[देखें] [संपादन] [इतिहास] [पर्ज .]

This infobox is used to generalize the information in recurring events of various kinds (e.g. as natural phenomena, festivals, conferences, exhibitions, ...), though not all terms may be applicable to all event types.

शैली {{{genre}}}
तिथियाँ {{{date}}}
प्रारम्भ {{{begins}}}
अंत {{{ends}}}
आवृत्ति {{{frequency}}}
स्थान {{{location}}}
सक्रीय वर्ष {{{years_active}}}
उद्घाटन {{{first}}}
विगत {{{last}}}
पिछला {{{prev}}}
अगला {{{next}}}
प्रतिभागी {{{participants}}}
उपस्थिति {{{attendance}}}
बजट {{{budget}}}
संरक्षक {{{patron}}}
संयोजन कर्ता {{{organised}}}
लोग {{{people}}}
सदस्य {{{member}}}
जालस्थल {{{website}}}
{{Infobox recurring event
| name         = <!--Uses page name if omitted-->
| native_name  =
| logo         = <!--INCLUDE "[[File:Filename.ext]]" when entering file name-->
| logo_caption =
| image        = <!--DO NOT include "File:" part of image name
                 (different from above because of merger with
                 Template:Infobox festival)-->
| imagesize    =
| caption      = 
| date         = <!--"dates=" also works, as merged from
                 Template:Infobox festival. Do not use both-->
| begins       =
| ends         =
| prev         = 
| next         = 
| frequency    =
| location     =
| years_active =
| first        = <!--"founded=" also works-->
| last         =
| participants =
| attendance   =
| genre        =
| budget       =
| patron       =
| organised    = <!--"organized=" also works-->
| people       =
| member       =
| website      =
| e-mail       = 
| footnotes    =
  • name – name of the event, if omitted, the page name will be used
  • native_name – the native name of the event, if a different election
  • logo – logo file, with File:
  • logo_caption – optional caption to the logo
  • image – name of the image of the event, without File:
  • imagesize – size of the image, default is frameless
  • caption – optional caption of the image
  • date or dates – required for single-day events – the date of a single-day event
  • begins – required for multi-day events – the starting date for a multi-day events
  • ends – required for multi-day events – the ending date for a multi-day events
  • frequency – how often the event occurs (e.g. monthly, annually, ...)
  • location – the location of the event
  • years_active – years the event is/was active
  • first or founded – date of the first event
  • last – date of the most recent event
  • prev – Name (or link) to previous event
  • next – Name (or link) to next event
  • participants – the typical number of participants
  • attendance – the number of spectators at the event
  • genre
  • budget
  • footnotes
  • patron or patrons – patronage
  • organised or organized – organised by
  • people – notable people
  • member – larger organisation
  • website
{{Infobox recurring event
| name          = 
| logo          = [[File:Example.png|200px]]
| image         = Example.jpg
| imagesize     = 200px
| caption       = 
| date          = {{start date|YYYY|mm|dd}}
| begins        = {{start date|YYYY|mm|dd}}
| ends          = {{start date|YYYY|mm|dd}}
| frequency     = 
| location      = 
| years_active  = {{age|YYYY|mm|dd}} <!--Date of the first occurrence-->
| first         = {{start date|YYYY|mm|dd}}
| last          = {{start date|YYYY|mm|dd}}
| prev          = {{[[previous_event]]}}
| next          = {{[[next_event]]}}
| participants  = 
| budget        = 
| attendance    = 
| organised     = 
| website       = {{URL|http://www.example.com}}
| e-mail        = example{{@}}website.com
| footnotes     = 