सदस्य:Edward Sangam (shrisngm)
Edward Sangam (shrisngm)
Nick Name-Edward sangam
Profession = craked iitjee
Language = Hindi, English,
Father - Dr. Vijay Kumar mishra(phc pindra)
Mother - Dr. manju mishra (primary teacher)
Close friends-
*AMAN srivastava (IITins)
*amit singh(NITins)
*Abhishek singh (NITins)
Address- Charon,hiramanpur,Varanasi, uttar pradesh, India
- Edward Sangam is an great physicist. He cracked "IIT jee" in year 2017 and currently in "National institute of technology, silchar".
He is also a "programmer" and "social hacker". *He is also a "programmer" and "social hacker". His nick name is "shrisngm" and people also called him "Edward"..