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व्यवस्था संदेश

ये मीडियाविकि नामस्थान में उपलब्ध प्रणाली संदेशों की एक सूची है। यदि आप सामान्य मीडियाविकि क्षेत्रीयकरण में योगदान देना चाहें तो कृपया मीडियाविकि क्षेत्रीयकरणtranslatewiki.net को देखें।
व्यवस्था संदेश
नाम डिफॉल्ट पाठ
वर्तमान पाठ
spam-blacklist (वार्ता) (अनुवाद करें) #<!-- leave this line exactly as it is --> <pre> # External URLs matching this list will be blocked when added to a page. # This list affects only this wiki; refer also to the global block list. # For documentation see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Extension:SpamBlacklist # # Syntax is as follows: # * Everything from a "#" character to the end of the line is a comment # * Every non-blank line is a regex fragment which will only match hosts inside URLs #</pre> <!-- leave this line exactly as it is -->
########################################################################### # DO NOT MODIFY THIS LIST UNLESS YOU HAVE A BASIC UNDERSTANDING OF REGEX! # ########################################################################### # External URLs matching this list will be blocked when added to a page. # This list affects only the Hindi Wikipedia; refer also to the global blacklist at # http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Spam_blacklist # For documentation see http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:SpamBlacklist #<!-- leave this line exactly as it is --> <pre> # Syntax is as follows: # * Everything from a "#" character to the end of the line is a comment # * Every non-blank line is a regex fragment which will only match hosts inside URLs \bmeraguide\.in\b \bnikutech\.com\b \bdelhi(?:-university\.in|giftstore\.com|wow\.com|university\.mobi)\b \bcar(?:family\.wordpress|pcspecialist|rentalagencies|rentalshub|surveyindia|tedge|tierauctions|warindia)\.com\b \bindiaedu\.com\b \bindiaeducation\.net\b \bza\.samwaad\.com\b \bomprakashkashyap\.wordpress\.com\b \bwordpress\.com\b \bhashiya\.blogspot\.in\b \bkrantmlverma\.blogspot\.in\b \bachhikhabar\.com\b \brachanakar\.org\b \bflaxindia\.blogspot\.in\b \bajabgjab\.com\b \bjkhealthworld\.com\b \bgyanipandit\.com\b \bspiritualworld\.co\.in\b \bachhibaatein\.com\b \barrechintu\.com\b \bedurain\.com\b \bcelebsheight\.com\b \brkalert\.com\b \bhindisahityainfo\.blogspot\.in\b \bbiovatica\.com\b \bworldcupupdates\.org\b \bjagatgurusatnampanth\.com\b \bnamecheap\.com\b \bknowledgedabba\.com\b \bnews4social\.com\b \bindian-recipes-4you\.com\b \bkhojdeal\.com\b \braithal\.com\b \bphysicsfanda\.co\.in\b \bmybahera\.blogspot\.com\b \bmyfreedo\.com\b \brkalert\.in\b \binfnd\.com\b\bgkblogs\.com\b \bgovjobportal\.net\b \bshabd\.in\b \bhihindi\.com\b \birthdaywishespic\.com\b \bhealthcareinhindi\.com\b \bshortstoriesofindia\.blogspot\.com\b \bpiplbharat\.com\b \bsarkaricourse\.com\b \brashifal\.net\b # [[m:User:COIBot/XWiki/rashifal.net]] \bthestudyiq\.com\b # [[m:User:COIBot/XWiki/thestudyiq.com]] \bquestionexam\.com\b \btigerpostnews\.com\b \bvedopchar\.in\b \blyricshindipunjabi\.com\b \bmyupchaars\.blogspot\.com\b \bbiggfact\.in\b \bafactshindi\.com\b \bgkshorttricksinhindi\.in\b \bindiannews1996\.com\b \bhindidarshan\.com\b \bindiabiographies\.com\b \bsocietyofindia\.in\b \bthekahaniyahindi\.com\b \bhelloswasthya\.com\b \bklipfolio\.com\b \bachhilekh\.com\b # [[m:User:COIBot/XWiki/achhilekh.com]] \bfitnesshealth4u\.com\b \bhindiwebdunia\.com\b \bonlineyukti\.com\b \be-gyankosh\.in\b \bkuchmilgya\.com\b \bjmkinfo\.in\b \bfunandknowledgenet\.in\b \bworldhealthscience\.blogspot\.com\b \bmppscexams\.com\b \bsayhindi\.in\b \bknowledgekidaa\.com\b \bmyupchaars\.com\b \bhindidada\.com\b \bshikshaportal\.in\b \bhindihelpguide\.com\b \bbizkulguru\.com\b \bsarkarisyllabus\.com\b \bonerupees\.com\b \byourbigblogs\.blogspot\.com\b \bjadolya\.com\b \bnewsindialive\.in\b \bthetribsnews\.online\b \bindorinews24\.blogspot\.com\b \bhindivishes\.com\b \baadesh\.guru\b \bfactonweb\.blogspot\.com\b \bfactonweb\.com\b \bhealthfitnesstipss\.com\b \bneerajwiki\.com\b \bsarkariofficel\.in\b \brgcinemanews\.com\b \bsmartsarkariyojana\.in\b \bhinditechtrick\.blogspot\.com\b \bsanjeevblogs\.com\b \bkhulkarjiyo\.com\b \btechcomputer99\.com\b \bhealthbuddys\.in\b \bhinditechtips18\.blogspot\.com\b \baddaji\.blogspot\.com\b \bstorywriting\.xyz\b \btechydaries\.blogspot\.com\b \bfitnessjosh\.com\b \bdraft\.blogger\.com\b \bhealthbuddys\.in\b \bfitnesstips4u\.in\b \bhealthyog\.in\b \btrucesense\.in\b \bprettislim\.com\b \btheinfog\.in\b \bkakashahpur\.blogspot\.com\b \bhealthylifestylekeeda\.in\b \bgkschools\.com\b \bhindihotstory\.in\b \bjagatgururampalji\.org\b \bcbc\.ca\b \bi.\cbc\.ca\b \brosyjskieabc\.blogspot\.com\b #</pre> <!-- leave this line exactly as it is -->
spam-blacklist-desc (वार्ता) (अनुवाद करें) Regex-based anti-spam tool allowing to block list URLs in pages and email addresses for registered users
spam-blacklisted-email (वार्ता) (अनुवाद करें) Forbidden email address
spam-blacklisted-email-signup (वार्ता) (अनुवाद करें) The given email address is currently forbidden from use.
spam-blacklisted-email-text (वार्ता) (अनुवाद करें) Your email address is currently forbidden from sending emails to other users.
spam-blacklisted-link (वार्ता) (अनुवाद करें) {{int:spamprotectiontext}} {{int:spamprotectionmatch|$1}}
spam-invalid-lines (वार्ता) (अनुवाद करें) The following spam block list {{PLURAL:$1|line is an|lines are}} invalid regular {{PLURAL:$1|expression|expressions}} and {{PLURAL:$1|needs|need}} to be corrected before saving the page:
spam-whitelist (वार्ता) (अनुवाद करें) #<!-- leave this line exactly as it is --> <pre> # External URLs matching this list will *not* be blocked even if they would # have been blocked by block list entries. # # Syntax is as follows: # * Everything from a "#" character to the end of the line is a comment # * Every non-blank line is a regex fragment which will only match hosts inside URLs #</pre> <!-- leave this line exactly as it is -->
# This is a list of domain names which are whitelisted on hi.wikipedia only. Please check # the guidelines on the talk page when adding entries. # # # # Syntax is as follows: # * Everything from a "#" character to the end of the line is a comment # * Every non-blank line is a regex fragment which will only match hosts # inside URLs # #============================================================================================ # ADMINS: entries are logged at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Spam-whitelist/Log # See instructions there. If you are removing something, please check the log, and remove it # if need be. # #============================================================================================ # #<!-- leave this line exactly as it is --> <pre> #</pre> <!-- leave this line exactly as it is -->
spam_blanking (वार्ता) (अनुवाद करें) सभी अवतरणोंमें $1 को कड़ियां हैं, पूरा पाठ निकाल रहें हैं
spam_deleting (वार्ता) (अनुवाद करें) सभी अवतरणों में $1 की कड़ी थी, हटाया जा रहा है
spam_reverting (वार्ता) (अनुवाद करें) $1 को कड़ी ना होने वाले पुराने अवतरण को पुनर्स्थापित कर रहें हैं
spambot_username (वार्ता) (अनुवाद करें) मीडियाविकि स्पॅम स्वच्छता
spamprotectionmatch (वार्ता) (अनुवाद करें) नीचे दिये हुए पाठ को स्पॅम सुरक्षा फिल्टर द्वारा रोका गया था: $1
spamprotectiontext (वार्ता) (अनुवाद करें) आप जिस पृष्ठ को सँजोना चाहते थे उसे रद्दी सामग्री की छननी ने अवरोधित किया हुआ है। यह संभवतः किसी कर्पसूचित बाहरी स्थल की कड़ी की वजह से हुआ है।
spamprotectiontitle (वार्ता) (अनुवाद करें) स्पॅम सुरक्षा फिल्टर