प्रवेशद्वार:नारीवाद/Selected anniversaries/सितंबर

मुक्त ज्ञानकोश विकिपीडिया से

International Bill of Rights for Women adopted by the United Nations

  • सितम्बर १९८१Women's Action Forum formed in Pakistan which promotes women's issues, such as discriminatory legislation, dress codes, violence against women, and the seclusion of women
  • ३ सितम्बर १९८१ – Coming into effect of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, an international bill of rights for women adopted by the United Nations General Assembly—the United States is the only developed nation which has not ratified it.
  • 13 September 1994 – Violence Against Women Act signed into law to combat domestic violence and sexual assault in the United States, what NOW called "the greatest breakthrough in civil rights for women in nearly two decades"
  • 16 September 1923 – Killing of Noe Ito, a Japanese anarchist, social critic, author and feminist
  • २५ सितम्बर १९५२ – बेल हुक्स का जन्म, जो एक अफ्रीकन-अमेरिकन लेखक, नारीवादी और सामाजिक कार्यकर्त्ता हैं, और जिनका लेखन नस्ल, श्रेणी और लिंग के संबंधो और कैसे वे उत्पीडन और प्रभुत्व के तंत्रों को पैदा करते हैं तथा बरक़रार रखते हैं, इन पर केन्द्रित हैं।