"कोथ": अवतरणों में अंतर

मुक्त ज्ञानकोश विकिपीडिया से
नया पृष्ठ: ''' कोथ परिभाषा- बर्हत्दर्शक पूतिभवन के कारण नष्ट हुई ...
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पंक्ति 1: पंक्ति 1:
''' कोथ
बर्हत्दर्शक पूतिभवन के कारण नष्ट हुई उक्ततियो को कोथ कहते ‌‌ह । यह आगन्तुज [ सध व्रणॉ] ५ उप्द्रवो मे मुख्य ह्।
बह्त्दर्शक पूतिभवन के कारण नष्ट हुई उक्ततियो को कोथ कहते ‌‌ह । यह आगन्तुज [ सध व्रणॉ] के ५ उप्द्रवो मे मुख्य ह्।

Gangrene Overview
Gangrene Overview
पंक्ति 23: पंक्ति 23:
- इसमे काले छाले पड जाते ह तथा दुर्गन्ध आती ह ।
- इसमे काले छाले पड जाते ह तथा दुर्गन्ध आती ह ।
-इसमे सीमा निर्धारण रेखा रहती ह ।
-इसमे सीमा निर्धारण रेखा रहती ह ।
- सक्रमण के विषो के शोषण होने से विषाक्तता के लक्षण, जैसे ज्वर। वमनादि उत्पन्न होते ह ।
- सक्रमण के विषो के शोषण होने से विषाक्तता के लक्षण, जैसे ज्वर,वमनादि उत्पन्न होते ह ।

Dry gangrene is caused by a reduction of blood flow through the arteries. It appears gradually and progresses slowly. In most people, the affected part does not become infected. In this type of gangrene, the tissue becomes cold and black, begins to dry, and eventually sloughs off. Dry gangrene is commonly seen in people with blockage of arteries (arteriosclerosis) resulting from increased cholesterol levels, diabetes, cigarette smoking, and genetic and other factors.
Dry gangrene is caused by a reduction of blood flow through the arteries. It appears gradually and progresses slowly. In most people, the affected part does not become infected. In this type of gangrene, the tissue becomes cold and black, begins to dry, and eventually sloughs off. Dry gangrene is commonly seen in people with blockage of arteries (arteriosclerosis) resulting from increased cholesterol levels, diabetes, cigarette smoking, and genetic and other factors.
पंक्ति 37: पंक्ति 37:

१- आघात- अत्यधिक आघात से उत्पन्न व्रण, पिच्चित व्रण , शय्याज व्रण , अवगाढ कुशा
१- आघात- अत्यधिक आघात से उत्पन्न व्रण, पिच्चित व्रण , शय्याज व्रण , अवगाढ कुशा से उत्पन्न व्रण तथा विकत पोषण वाले रोगियो के आघातज व्रण ईत्त्यादि अवस्थाओ मे उक्तियो मे विघटन अर्थात कोथ उत्पन्न होती ह ।

२- रक्तवाहिनियो कि व्यधिया - रक्तवाहिनियो मे अनेक रोग हो सकते ह जैसे बरजर क रोग, रेनाड का रोग , एवम सिराओ कि विकतिया आदि।

क- बरजर का रोग [burger's disease]
यह व्याधि अधिक्तर पुरुषो मे पायी जाती ह । धुम्रपान से,अधिक उम्र मे calcium के जमा होने से तथा ह्र्द्यान्त्रावरण शोफ् से उत्पन्न अन्तः शल्यता आदि कारणॉ से धमनियो मे शोफ तथा एन्ठन उत्पन्न हो जाती ह् । इससे धमनियो मे सन्कोच होकर धमनियो का विवर कम हो जाता ह । इस रोग से प्रभवित स्थान पर रक्त कि न्युनता होकर कोथ उत्पन्न होती ह्।

ख - रेनाड का रोग [ raynaud's disease]

यह व्याधि प्रायः स्त्रियो मे होती ह । शाखाओ कि धमनिया शीत के प्रति सूक्ष्म ग्राही होने पर धमनियो मे एन्ठन तथा सन्कोच उत्पन्न हो जाता ह। इससे रक्त प्रवाह मन्द पड जाता ह तथा रक्त्त वाहिका के अन्तिम पूर्ति प्रान्त मे रक्त न्युन्ता होकर कोथ उत्पन्न हो जाती ह ।

ग- सिराओ कि विकति -

गम्भीर सिराओ मे घनस्र्ता उत्पन्न होने से जैसे अपस्फित सिरा मे तथा सिर मे सुचिभेद से सिरशोथ उत्पन्न होने से सिराओ मे रक्त परिभ्रमण के अव‍रुध या अत्ति नयून हो जाने पर उक्तियो मे कोथ उत्पन्न हो जाता ह ।

घ- अन्य रोग-

मधुमेह के रोगियो मे परिसरियतन्त्रिका शोफ तथा उक्तियो मे अधिक मात्रा मे आ जाने से एवम धमनियो मे केल्शियम के जमने से धातुओ मे रक्त न्युन्ता आ जाती ह, इससे सन्क्रमण उक्तियो मे शिघ्रता से कोथ उत्पन्न करता ह ।

च- सन्क्रमण -

कोथ के जीवाणू प्रोटीन का विघटन करते ह तथा अमोनिया और sulphurated hydrogen उत्पन्न करते ह। इनका व्रण पर सन्क्रमण होने से उनसे उत्पन्न हुई gas पेशियो मे भर जाती ह । इसक रक्त वाहिनियो पर दाब पडने से उन्मे रक्त अल्पता उत्पन्न होकर कोथ उत्पन्न हो जाती ह।

Gangrene Causes
The following conditions are risk factors for the development of gangrene:

Injury or trauma, such as a crush injury, a severe burn, or frostbite

Diseases that affect the circulation of blood, such as arteriosclerosis, diabetes, smoking, or Raynaud disease

Senile gangrene [due to atherosclerosis], embolic gangrene, raynaud's disease, burger's disease, cervical rib, syphilitic gangrene[ due to endarteritis obliterations}.

Direct [ injury to main artery] or indirect[ crushing of tisues].

a) Acute eg. carbuncle, cancrum oris and post operative progressive gangrene following drainage of empyema and appendicectomy.
b) Gas gangrene


Syringomelia, tabes dorsalis, peripheral neutitis, leprosy, caries spine, freacture dislocation of spine etc.

Due ti heat, cold, corrosive, X- ray etc.


सार्वदेहिक व स्थानिक -
१) कोथ से प्रभावित अग के क्रियाशिल होने पर , उक्तियो मे oxygen कि न्युन्ता हो जाती ह , इससे पेशियो मे एन्ठन आती ह तथा तीव्र वेदना होने लगती ह्।
२)रक्त सन्चार मे मन्द्ता आ जाने से प्रभावित अग मे विश्राम काल भि वेदना रेहती ह ।
३)सन्क्रमण जन्य कोथ मे विषाक्त्तता होने से ज्वर्, वमन तथा रक्त भार मे ह्रास इत्यादि।

स्थानिक -
१)प्रभावित अग मे विवर्णता
२)धमनियो मे स्पन्दन स्माप्त हो जाता ह तथ कोशिकाओ मे रक्त कि अनउपस्थिति हो जाने से त्वचा के रग मे कोइ प‍‍रिवर्तन नही आता।
३)प्रभावित अग मे उष्मा का अभाव
४)प्रभावित अग मे क्रिया का अभाव

Gangrene Symptoms

Dry gangrene:

The affected area becomes cold numb.

Initially, the affected area becomes red.

Then, it develops a brown discoloration.

Finally, it becomes black and shriveled.

Wet or moist gangrene:

The affected area becomes swollen and decays.

It is extremely painful.

Local oozing occurs.

It produces a foul-smelling odor.

It becomes black.

The affected person develops a fever.

Gas gangrene:

The wound is infected.

A brown-red or bloody discharge may ooze from the affected tissues.

Gas produced by Clostridia may produce a crackling sensation when the affected area is pressed.

It becomes swollen.

Pain in the affected area is severe.

The affected person develops fever, increased heart rate, and rapid breathing if the toxins spread into the bloodstream.
When to Seek Medical Care
Consult a health-care provider immediately if the following signs develop:

An area of the body turns blue or black.

A wound does not heal in seven to14 days.

Pain in a localized area is severe.

Unexplained fever is persistent.

Pus or blood drains from the wound.

A foul-smelling odor discharges from the wound.
Exams and Tests
The diagnosis of gangrene is based on history, physical examination, blood tests, and other exams.

The health-care provider asks the person about any history of injury, chronic diseases (such as diabetes), surgery, cigarette smoking, and exposure to extreme cold.

Physical examination of the affected area is performed to look for signs of gangrene.

Blood test results show an increase in the number of white blood cells in persons with wet gangrene.

A sample of the drainage from the wound is examined to identify the bacteria causing the infection.

An x-ray film may be performed to examine the affected tissue for the presence of gas bubbles.

Imaging studies, including a CT scan and/or MRI, can help determine the extent of damage to the tissues and the amount of gas present.

In people with dry gangrene, an arteriogram may be performed to visualize any obstruction in the artery which supplies blood to the affected part.


कोथ की चिकित्सा इसके उत्पादक कारणॉ तथा इसकी अवस्थाओ पर निर्भर करती ह , जैसे-

१) मधुमेह्-
मधुमेह के रोगी मे कोथ उत्पन्न होने पर उसे मधुमेह कि चिकित्सा देनी चाहिये। प्रभावित अग को पूर्ण विश्राम दे तथा सन्क्रमण के अनुसार प्रति जिवाणू औषधि क प्रयोग करना चाहिये।
सीमा निर्धारण रेखा के बनने पर उस रेखा से अग विच्छदन कर देना चाहिये।

२) प्रमेह पिडीका (carbuncle)
यदि प्रमेह पिडिका आकार मे बढ रही हो तो इसक छेदन कर देना चाहिये तथा रोगी को antibiotics देते रहे। व्रण पर Mgso4+ glycerine) के घोल को लगाये और रोगी को खाने के लिये विटामिन तथा लोहुयुक्त पदार्थ देने चाहिये।

३)सिर अन्तः शल्य -
सिर मे अन्तः शल्य (embolus) होने पर उसका छेदन कर्म कर दे। कटी हुइ धमनी का सन्धान कर दे। Heparin के सुचिवेध द्वारा रक्त्स्कन्दन कि क्रिया को दबाये रखे तथा धमानियो को प्रसारित अवस्था मे रखे (by ponicol i.e. Nicotinyl alcohol tartarate 25 to 50 mgs. orally 4 times daily)। सीम निर्धारण रेखा बनने पर amputation कर देना चाहिये।

४) यदि कोथ सन्क्रमण युक्त हो तो व्रण को eusol and hydrogen peroxide से प्रक्षलन करे। रोगी को inj. anti gas gangrene serum 50,000 to 100,0000 units दे। infection होने पर polyvalent antitoxin 12,500 units I.M दे या अन्य प्रतिजिवाणू औषधिया देनी चाहिये।
Gangrene Treatment

Medical Treatment

People with gangrene require urgent assessment and treatment to prevent the spread of gangrene. Antibiotics and surgery are the primary treatments and have been proven very effective. Hospitalization is necessary for treatment.

Dry gangrene: Because the cause of dry gangrene is a lack of blood flow, restoring the blood supply is vital. Assessment by a vascular surgeon can help determine whether surgical intervention to restore blood supply would be beneficial.

Wet gangrene: Surgical debridement (removal of dead tissue) of the wound is performed, and intravenous antibiotics are administered to control the infection.

Gas gangrene: This condition needs to be treated aggressively because of the threat of the infection rapidly spreading via the bloodstream and damaging vital organs. The wound requires immediate debridement. Antibiotics are administered to the affected person

Antibiotics are usually administered intravenously to control the infection.

Pain relievers are administered as necessary.

Anticoagulants are administered to prevent blood clotting.

Intravenous fluids are administered to replenish electrolytes.


The wound is cleared of dead tissue (debrided) to allow healing and to prevent the spread of infection to surrounding areas.

If the infection cannot be controlled with debridement and administration of antibiotics, amputation of the affected part becomes necessary to prevent further deterioration.

Other Therapy

Hyperbaric oxygen is delivered through a specially designed chamber that contains oxygen under high pressure. Hyperbaric oxygen has been shown in some studies to improve wound healing, and it ensures that bacteria that thrive only in an oxygen-free environment (anaerobic bacteria) will be killed. However, this therapy is not available in all medical centers. People receiving hyperbaric oxygen therapy must be monitored for symptoms of oxygen toxicity, such as profuse sweating, difficulty breathing, and convulsions.

Next Steps


Keep the affected area clean.

Follow the health-care provider's instructions regarding changing bandages and dressings.

Be sure to complete the antibiotic course that is prescribed.

Limit activity as much as possible for a few days.

The best weapon against gangrene is prevention.

Keep wounds clean and sterile by cleaning all wounds thoroughly with antiseptic solution.

Watch for signs of infection, such as pus, redness, swelling, or unusual pain.

Consult a health-care provider if any wound becomes infected.

People with diabetes should control their blood-sugar levels with proper medication.

Education about proper foot care is vital for people with diabetes. They should routinely examine their feet for any signs of injury or change in skin color. Any small injury should be immediately cared for. They should keep their nails trimmed and wear comfortable well-fitting shoes.

The outlook for a person with gangrene depends on the following factors:

Part of the body affected

The extent of gangrene

The cause of gangrene

The overall health status of the individual
The prognosis is generally favorable except in people in whom the infection has spread through the blood stream. Gangrene is usually curable in the early stages with intravenous antibiotic treatment and debridement. Without treatment, gangrene may lead to a fatal infection.

Gas gangrene can progress quickly; the spread of infection to the bloodstream is associated with a death rate of 20-25%. However, if it is diagnosed and treated early, approximately 80% of people with gas gangrene survive without the need for any amputation, and only 15-20% require some form of amputation.

People with dry gangrene most often have many other health problems that complicate recovery, and other system failures usually prove fatal
People with gangrene need moral support, especially if amputation is performed. The following support groups provide a forum for people who have undergone amputation to share questions and concerns with others who had gone through or are going through similar circumstances:

सन्दर्भ ग्रन्थ -
सुश्रुत सन्हिता , शल्य प्रदिपिका- dr. mukund swarup sharma, शल्य समन्वय- वैद्य अनन्त रम शर्मा, क्लिनिकल शल्य तन्त्र्-dr.katil narsinghgham uddupa, a short practice of surgery- love and bailey, text book of surgery - s das.

15:24, 8 नवम्बर 2008 का अवतरण


परिभाषा- बह्त्दर्शक पूतिभवन के कारण नष्ट हुई उक्ततियो को कोथ कहते ‌‌ह । यह आगन्तुज [ सध व्रणॉ] के ५ उप्द्रवो मे मुख्य ह्।

                                                                                                   Gangrene Overview

Gangrene is a medical term used to describe the death of an area of the body. It develops when the blood supply is cut off to the affected part as a result of various processes, such as infection, vascular (pertaining to blood vessels) disease, or trauma. Gangrene can involve any part of the body; the most common sites include the toes, fingers, feet, and hands.


- आद्र कोथ - शुष्क कोथ

- शुष्क कोथ - प्रवाह धीमे- धीमे व कम होता ह। - इसमे सक्रमण का अभाव होता ह। - अग शुष्क व स्निघ्ध झुरियो से युक्त होता ह। -इसमे सीमा निर्धारण रेखा नही होती। -विषाक्तता के लक्षण नही होते।

- आद्र कोथ - इसमे सिरा धमनी इत्यादि का मार्ग सह्सा बन्द हो जाता ह्। -इसमे सक्रमण उपस्थित रहता ह्। - इसमे काले छाले पड जाते ह तथा दुर्गन्ध आती ह । -इसमे सीमा निर्धारण रेखा रहती ह । - सक्रमण के विषो के शोषण होने से विषाक्तता के लक्षण, जैसे ज्वर,वमनादि उत्पन्न होते ह ।

Dry gangrene is caused by a reduction of blood flow through the arteries. It appears gradually and progresses slowly. In most people, the affected part does not become infected. In this type of gangrene, the tissue becomes cold and black, begins to dry, and eventually sloughs off. Dry gangrene is commonly seen in people with blockage of arteries (arteriosclerosis) resulting from increased cholesterol levels, diabetes, cigarette smoking, and genetic and other factors.

Wet or moist gangrene develops as a complication of an untreated infected wound. Swelling resulting from the bacterial infection causes a sudden stoppage of blood flow. Cessation of blood flow facilitates invasion of the muscles by the bacteria and multiplication of the bacteria because disease-fighting cells (white blood cells) cannot reach the affected part.

Gas gangrene is a type of wet gangrene caused by the bacteria known as Clostridia. Clostridia are a type of infection-causing bacteria that grow only in the absence of oxygen. As Clostridia grow, they produce poisonous toxins and gas; therefore, the condition is called gas gangrene.


१- आघात- अत्यधिक आघात से उत्पन्न व्रण, पिच्चित व्रण , शय्याज व्रण , अवगाढ कुशा से उत्पन्न व्रण तथा विकत पोषण वाले रोगियो के आघातज व्रण ईत्त्यादि अवस्थाओ मे उक्तियो मे विघटन अर्थात कोथ उत्पन्न होती ह ।

२- रक्तवाहिनियो कि व्यधिया - रक्तवाहिनियो मे अनेक रोग हो सकते ह जैसे बरजर क रोग, रेनाड का रोग , एवम सिराओ कि विकतिया आदि।

क- बरजर का रोग [burger's disease] यह व्याधि अधिक्तर पुरुषो मे पायी जाती ह । धुम्रपान से,अधिक उम्र मे calcium के जमा होने से तथा ह्र्द्यान्त्रावरण शोफ् से उत्पन्न अन्तः शल्यता आदि कारणॉ से धमनियो मे शोफ तथा एन्ठन उत्पन्न हो जाती ह् । इससे धमनियो मे सन्कोच होकर धमनियो का विवर कम हो जाता ह । इस रोग से प्रभवित स्थान पर रक्त कि न्युनता होकर कोथ उत्पन्न होती ह्।

ख - रेनाड का रोग [ raynaud's disease]

यह व्याधि प्रायः स्त्रियो मे होती ह । शाखाओ कि धमनिया शीत के प्रति सूक्ष्म ग्राही होने पर धमनियो मे एन्ठन तथा सन्कोच उत्पन्न हो जाता ह। इससे रक्त प्रवाह मन्द पड जाता ह तथा रक्त्त वाहिका के अन्तिम पूर्ति प्रान्त मे रक्त न्युन्ता होकर कोथ उत्पन्न हो जाती ह ।

ग- सिराओ कि विकति -

गम्भीर सिराओ मे घनस्र्ता उत्पन्न होने से जैसे अपस्फित सिरा मे तथा सिर मे सुचिभेद से सिरशोथ उत्पन्न होने से सिराओ मे रक्त परिभ्रमण के अव‍रुध या अत्ति नयून हो जाने पर उक्तियो मे कोथ उत्पन्न हो जाता ह ।

घ- अन्य रोग-

मधुमेह के रोगियो मे परिसरियतन्त्रिका शोफ तथा उक्तियो मे अधिक मात्रा मे आ जाने से एवम धमनियो मे केल्शियम के जमने से धातुओ मे रक्त न्युन्ता आ जाती ह, इससे सन्क्रमण उक्तियो मे शिघ्रता से कोथ उत्पन्न करता ह ।

च- सन्क्रमण -

कोथ के जीवाणू प्रोटीन का विघटन करते ह तथा अमोनिया और sulphurated hydrogen उत्पन्न करते ह। इनका व्रण पर सन्क्रमण होने से उनसे उत्पन्न हुई gas पेशियो मे भर जाती ह । इसक रक्त वाहिनियो पर दाब पडने से उन्मे रक्त अल्पता उत्पन्न होकर कोथ उत्पन्न हो जाती ह।

Gangrene Causes The following conditions are risk factors for the development of gangrene:

Injury or trauma, such as a crush injury, a severe burn, or frostbite

Diseases that affect the circulation of blood, such as arteriosclerosis, diabetes, smoking, or Raynaud disease

1. CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES- Senile gangrene [due to atherosclerosis], embolic gangrene, raynaud's disease, burger's disease, cervical rib, syphilitic gangrene[ due to endarteritis obliterations}.

2. TRAUMATIC GANGRENE- Direct [ injury to main artery] or indirect[ crushing of tisues].

3. INFECTIVE GANGRENE- a) Acute eg. carbuncle, cancrum oris and post operative progressive gangrene following drainage of empyema and appendicectomy. b) Gas gangrene


5. NERVOUS DISEASES- Syringomelia, tabes dorsalis, peripheral neutitis, leprosy, caries spine, freacture dislocation of spine etc.

6. PHYSICAL GANGRENE- Due ti heat, cold, corrosive, X- ray etc.


सार्वदेहिक व स्थानिक - सार्वदेहिक- १) कोथ से प्रभावित अग के क्रियाशिल होने पर , उक्तियो मे oxygen कि न्युन्ता हो जाती ह , इससे पेशियो मे एन्ठन आती ह तथा तीव्र वेदना होने लगती ह्। २)रक्त सन्चार मे मन्द्ता आ जाने से प्रभावित अग मे विश्राम काल भि वेदना रेहती ह । ३)सन्क्रमण जन्य कोथ मे विषाक्त्तता होने से ज्वर्, वमन तथा रक्त भार मे ह्रास इत्यादि।

स्थानिक - १)प्रभावित अग मे विवर्णता २)धमनियो मे स्पन्दन स्माप्त हो जाता ह तथ कोशिकाओ मे रक्त कि अनउपस्थिति हो जाने से त्वचा के रग मे कोइ प‍‍रिवर्तन नही आता। ३)प्रभावित अग मे उष्मा का अभाव ४)प्रभावित अग मे क्रिया का अभाव

Gangrene Symptoms

Dry gangrene:

The affected area becomes cold numb.

Initially, the affected area becomes red.

Then, it develops a brown discoloration.

Finally, it becomes black and shriveled.

Wet or moist gangrene:

The affected area becomes swollen and decays.

It is extremely painful.

Local oozing occurs.

It produces a foul-smelling odor.

It becomes black.

The affected person develops a fever.

Gas gangrene:

The wound is infected.

A brown-red or bloody discharge may ooze from the affected tissues.

Gas produced by Clostridia may produce a crackling sensation when the affected area is pressed.

It becomes swollen.

Pain in the affected area is severe.

The affected person develops fever, increased heart rate, and rapid breathing if the toxins spread into the bloodstream. When to Seek Medical Care Consult a health-care provider immediately if the following signs develop:

An area of the body turns blue or black.

A wound does not heal in seven to14 days.

Pain in a localized area is severe.

Unexplained fever is persistent.

Pus or blood drains from the wound.

A foul-smelling odor discharges from the wound. Exams and Tests The diagnosis of gangrene is based on history, physical examination, blood tests, and other exams.

The health-care provider asks the person about any history of injury, chronic diseases (such as diabetes), surgery, cigarette smoking, and exposure to extreme cold.

Physical examination of the affected area is performed to look for signs of gangrene.

Blood test results show an increase in the number of white blood cells in persons with wet gangrene.

A sample of the drainage from the wound is examined to identify the bacteria causing the infection.

An x-ray film may be performed to examine the affected tissue for the presence of gas bubbles.

Imaging studies, including a CT scan and/or MRI, can help determine the extent of damage to the tissues and the amount of gas present.

In people with dry gangrene, an arteriogram may be performed to visualize any obstruction in the artery which supplies blood to the affected part.


कोथ की चिकित्सा इसके उत्पादक कारणॉ तथा इसकी अवस्थाओ पर निर्भर करती ह , जैसे-

१) मधुमेह्- मधुमेह के रोगी मे कोथ उत्पन्न होने पर उसे मधुमेह कि चिकित्सा देनी चाहिये। प्रभावित अग को पूर्ण विश्राम दे तथा सन्क्रमण के अनुसार प्रति जिवाणू औषधि क प्रयोग करना चाहिये। सीमा निर्धारण रेखा के बनने पर उस रेखा से अग विच्छदन कर देना चाहिये।

२) प्रमेह पिडीका (carbuncle) यदि प्रमेह पिडिका आकार मे बढ रही हो तो इसक छेदन कर देना चाहिये तथा रोगी को antibiotics देते रहे। व्रण पर Mgso4+ glycerine) के घोल को लगाये और रोगी को खाने के लिये विटामिन तथा लोहुयुक्त पदार्थ देने चाहिये।

३)सिर अन्तः शल्य - सिर मे अन्तः शल्य (embolus) होने पर उसका छेदन कर्म कर दे। कटी हुइ धमनी का सन्धान कर दे। Heparin के सुचिवेध द्वारा रक्त्स्कन्दन कि क्रिया को दबाये रखे तथा धमानियो को प्रसारित अवस्था मे रखे (by ponicol i.e. Nicotinyl alcohol tartarate 25 to 50 mgs. orally 4 times daily)। सीम निर्धारण रेखा बनने पर amputation कर देना चाहिये।

४) यदि कोथ सन्क्रमण युक्त हो तो व्रण को eusol and hydrogen peroxide से प्रक्षलन करे। रोगी को inj. anti gas gangrene serum 50,000 to 100,0000 units दे। infection होने पर polyvalent antitoxin 12,500 units I.M दे या अन्य प्रतिजिवाणू औषधिया देनी चाहिये। Gangrene Treatment

Medical Treatment

People with gangrene require urgent assessment and treatment to prevent the spread of gangrene. Antibiotics and surgery are the primary treatments and have been proven very effective. Hospitalization is necessary for treatment.

Dry gangrene: Because the cause of dry gangrene is a lack of blood flow, restoring the blood supply is vital. Assessment by a vascular surgeon can help determine whether surgical intervention to restore blood supply would be beneficial.

Wet gangrene: Surgical debridement (removal of dead tissue) of the wound is performed, and intravenous antibiotics are administered to control the infection.

Gas gangrene: This condition needs to be treated aggressively because of the threat of the infection rapidly spreading via the bloodstream and damaging vital organs. The wound requires immediate debridement. Antibiotics are administered to the affected person Medications

Antibiotics are usually administered intravenously to control the infection.

Pain relievers are administered as necessary.

Anticoagulants are administered to prevent blood clotting.

Intravenous fluids are administered to replenish electrolytes.


The wound is cleared of dead tissue (debrided) to allow healing and to prevent the spread of infection to surrounding areas.

If the infection cannot be controlled with debridement and administration of antibiotics, amputation of the affected part becomes necessary to prevent further deterioration.

Other Therapy

Hyperbaric oxygen is delivered through a specially designed chamber that contains oxygen under high pressure. Hyperbaric oxygen has been shown in some studies to improve wound healing, and it ensures that bacteria that thrive only in an oxygen-free environment (anaerobic bacteria) will be killed. However, this therapy is not available in all medical centers. People receiving hyperbaric oxygen therapy must be monitored for symptoms of oxygen toxicity, such as profuse sweating, difficulty breathing, and convulsions.

Next Steps


Keep the affected area clean.

Follow the health-care provider's instructions regarding changing bandages and dressings.

Be sure to complete the antibiotic course that is prescribed.

Limit activity as much as possible for a few days. Prevention

The best weapon against gangrene is prevention.

Keep wounds clean and sterile by cleaning all wounds thoroughly with antiseptic solution.

Watch for signs of infection, such as pus, redness, swelling, or unusual pain.

Consult a health-care provider if any wound becomes infected.

People with diabetes should control their blood-sugar levels with proper medication.

Education about proper foot care is vital for people with diabetes. They should routinely examine their feet for any signs of injury or change in skin color. Any small injury should be immediately cared for. They should keep their nails trimmed and wear comfortable well-fitting shoes. Outlook

The outlook for a person with gangrene depends on the following factors:

Part of the body affected

The extent of gangrene

The cause of gangrene

The overall health status of the individual The prognosis is generally favorable except in people in whom the infection has spread through the blood stream. Gangrene is usually curable in the early stages with intravenous antibiotic treatment and debridement. Without treatment, gangrene may lead to a fatal infection.

Gas gangrene can progress quickly; the spread of infection to the bloodstream is associated with a death rate of 20-25%. However, if it is diagnosed and treated early, approximately 80% of people with gas gangrene survive without the need for any amputation, and only 15-20% require some form of amputation.

People with dry gangrene most often have many other health problems that complicate recovery, and other system failures usually prove fatal People with gangrene need moral support, especially if amputation is performed. The following support groups provide a forum for people who have undergone amputation to share questions and concerns with others who had gone through or are going through similar circumstances:

सन्दर्भ ग्रन्थ - सुश्रुत सन्हिता , शल्य प्रदिपिका- dr. mukund swarup sharma, शल्य समन्वय- वैद्य अनन्त रम शर्मा, क्लिनिकल शल्य तन्त्र्-dr.katil narsinghgham uddupa, a short practice of surgery- love and bailey, text book of surgery - s das.