Module:अक्षर संख्या

मुक्त ज्ञानकोश विकिपीडिया से

"इस मॉड्यूल हेतु प्रलेख Module:अक्षर संख्या/doc पर बनाया जा सकता है"

--[[Module for returning decimal count of akshars in input text
    Based on Module:अक्षर गणना by सदस्य:Siddhartha Ghai
    Call using {{#invoke:modname|count|param1|param2}}

	input text
	Default: '' (Empty string)
	Plain text: fully supported
	Wikitext: Partly supported (see Support below)

	Specifies whether to ignore wikisyntax
	or not when counting
	By default all counts ignore wikisyntax
	If set to false, all counts will include wikisyntax

	All input text is preprocessed as wikitext
	Anything inside xml tags is then removed
	Non-visible part of wikilinks and external
	links is removed
	[ अगर]-->अगर
	Removes bullets and numbering #es

	outputs the character length,
	akshar length and
	the number of spaces used

local ustring = mw.ustring

--Preprocesses the input
local function preprocess(text, frame)
	local ptext = frame:preprocess(text)
	return ptext

--Removes the wikisyntax from the input
local function dewiki(text)
	local dewikitext = text
--	mw.log('dewikitext is ' .. dewikitext)
	--the following table is iterated on first to last
	local wikitext = {'((\127[^\127]*\127))', --xml tags from preprocessing
						'(%[%[[^%]%]|]*|)', --piped wikilinks start
						'(%[%[([^%]%]]*))', --plain wikilinks start
						'(([^%[]?)%[[^%s%[]+%s)', --named external links start
						'(([^%[]?)%[[^%]]+)', --unnamed external links
						'(%])', --ending brackets for all links
						'[*#]' --numbers and bullets
	local replacement = {'', '', '%2', '%2', '%2', '', ''}
	local flag = 1
	while flag <= #wikitext do
		dewikitext = ustring.gsub(dewikitext, wikitext[flag], replacement[flag])
--		mw.log('dewikitext is ' .. dewikitext)
		flag = flag + 1
	return dewikitext

--Does the counting
local function count(frame)
	local deva = '[ँ-॰%s]+'
	local dia = '[ँंः़ािीुूृॅेैॉोौ॒॰]'
	local halant = '[्]'
	local text = frame.args[1]
	if text == nil then
		return 0
	local ignorewikitext = frame.args[2]
--	mw.log('input is ' .. text)

	if ignorewikitext ~= false then --ignore wikisyntax, default state
		text = preprocess(text, frame)
		text = dewiki(text)

--	else --non-default state, count wikisyntax
--		aksharnum = ustring.len(ustring.gsub(text, wikitext, ''))
	local aksharnum = ustring.len(text)

--	mw.log('2. aksharnum is ' .. aksharnum)

	matches = ustring.gmatch(text, deva)

	for fmatch in matches do
--		mw.log('fmatch in matches')
		diacritics = ustring.gmatch(fmatch, dia)
		halcount = ustring.gmatch(fmatch, halant)
		space = ustring.gmatch(fmatch, '[%s]')

--		mw.log('fmatch is ' .. fmatch)

		for fmatch1 in diacritics do
			aksharnum = aksharnum - 1

--		mw.log('4. aksharnum after subtracting diacritic length is ' .. aksharnum)

		for fmatch2 in halcount do
			aksharnum = aksharnum - 1.5

--		mw.log('5. aksharnum after subtracting halant length is ' .. aksharnum)

		for fmatch3 in space do
			aksharnum = aksharnum - 1
--		mw.log('5. num after subtracting spaces is ' .. aksharnum)
	return aksharnum

return {count = count, preprocess = preprocess, dewiki = dewiki}