सामग्री पर जाएँ


मुक्त ज्ञानकोश विकिपीडिया से


  • The optional border is used to set the thickness of the edges of the window (example: border=2px).
  • Color:
    • col1 is used to set the color of the title bar.
    • col2 is used to set the background color of the window.
    • col3 is used to set the color of the title.
  • The optional font-size is used to set the font size of the title (example: font-size=120%).
|border    =1px
|col1      =#002A52
|col2      =#eeffff
|col3      =#FEB41D
|font-size =120%
|title     =Example
|content   =
* Example
* Example


  • Example
  • Example

साँचा:Window templates