सामग्री पर जाएँ

साँचा:Infobox legislation

मुक्त ज्ञानकोश विकिपीडिया से
परिचय का प्रतीक साँचा परिचय[देखें] [संपादन] [इतिहास] [पर्ज]
शीर्षक {{{citation}}}
प्रादेशिक सीमा {{{territorial_extent}}}
द्वारा अधिनियमित {{{enacted_by}}}
अधिनियमित करने की तिथि {{{date_enacted}}}
पारित करने की तिथि {{{date_passed}}}
द्वारा अधिनियमित {{{enacted_by2}}}
अधिनियमित करने की तिथि {{{date_enacted2}}}
पारित करने की तिथि {{{date_passed2}}}
अनुमति-तिथि {{{date_assented}}}
हस्ताक्षर-तिथि {{{date_signed}}}
शाही स्वीकृति की तिथि {{{royal_assent}}}
शुरूआत-तिथि {{{date_commenced}}}
समाप्ति की तिथि {{{date_of_expiry}}}
निरस्त-तिथि {{{date_repealed}}}
द्वारा प्रशासित {{{administered_by}}}
विधायी इतिहास
Bill introduced in the {{{enacted_by}}} {{{bill}}}
विधेयक का उद्धरण {{{bill_citation}}}
बिल प्रकाशन की तारीख {{{bill_date}}}
द्वारा पेश {{{introduced_by}}}
पठन (विधायिका) # प्रथम पठन {{{1st_reading}}}
पठन (विधायिका) # द्वितीय पठन {{{2nd_reading}}}
पठन (विधायिका) # तृतीय पठन {{{3rd_reading}}}
सम्मेलन समिति बिल पारित {{{conf_committee_passed}}}
विधेयक में पेश किया {{{enacted_by2}}} {{{bill2}}}
विधेयक का उद्धरण {{{bill_citation2}}}
बिल प्रकाशन की तारीख {{{bill_date2}}}
द्वारा पेश {{{introduced_by2}}}
प्रथम पठन {{{1st_reading2}}}
द्वितीय पठन {{{2nd_reading2}}}
तृतीय पठन {{{3rd_reading2}}}
सम्मेलन समिति बिल पारित {{{conf_committee_passed2}}}
सम्मेलन समिति द्वारा पारित तिथि {{{date_conf_committee}}}
व्हाइट पेपर # सरकार श्वेत पत्र {{{white_paper}}}
समिति की रिपोर्ट {{{committee_report}}}
कानून निरस्त
संबंधित कानून
संकेत शब्द
स्थिति : अज्ञात

This template summarizes information about a piece of legislation or a bill. It is designed to be generic so that it can be used for the bills, statutes and subsidiary legislation (delegated legislation) of any jurisdiction. If you have suggestions as to how the template may be improved, please leave a message on the talk page.

{{Infobox legislation
|short_title         = 
|legislature         = 
|image               = 
|imagesize           = 
|imagealt            = 
|caption             = 
|long_title          = 
|citation            = 
|territorial_extent  = 
|enacted_by          = 
|date_enacted        = 
|date_passed         = 
|enacted_by2         = 
|date_enacted2       = 
|date_passed2        = 
|date_assented       = 
|royal_assent        = 
|date_signed         = 
|date_commenced      = 
|date_of_expiry      = 
|date_repealed       = 
|administered_by     = 
|bill                = 
|bill_citation       = 
|bill_date           = 
|introduced_by       = 
|1st_reading         = 
|2nd_reading         = 
|3rd_reading         = 
|conf_committee_passed  = 
|bill2               = 
|bill_citation2      = 
|bill_date2          = 
|introduced_by2      = 
|1st_reading2        = 
|2nd_reading2        = 
|3rd_reading2        = 
|conf_committee_passed2 = 
|date_conf_committee = 
|white_paper         = 
|committee_report    = 
|amendments          = 
|repeals             = 
|related_legislation = 
|summary             = 
|keywords            = 
|status              = 

This infobox takes a number of parameters, which are all optional:

Parameter Description
Basic information
short_title The short title of the legislation, which should preferably be the same as the article title. If the parameter is left blank or omitted, the article name is used.
image An image to represent the person or institution that enacted the legislation, such as a coat of arms, a seal or a photograph of a building. Type the name of the image without the "File:" prefix and do not wikilink it. If you omit this parameter, the template automatically displays an image according to the scheme at {{Infobox legislation/images}}.
imagesize The width of the image in pixels (px), particularly if it is less than 180 px. Type the number without the "px" suffix ("150", not "150px"). If this parameter is left blank or omitted, the image size defaults to 180 px.
imagealt Alt text for the image. For more information, see "Wikipedia:Alternative text for images".
caption A caption for the image. Terms in the caption can be wikilinked, if desired.
legislature The name of the legislature that enacted the legislation. You only need to use this parameter if the legislature of the jurisdiction in question is bicameral, and you wish to state its name rather than just the names of the upper house (or senate) and lower house, which can be specified using |enacted_by= and |enacted_by2=.

If you have used |enacted_by= and |enacted_by2= and wish to have the template automatically link to an image representing the legislature, you will need to specify the name of the legislature using |legislature=.

long_title The long title of the legislation.
citation The citation of the legislation. If the legislation is available online, use a citation template where available to generate an external link automatically, or else create a link manually. If the citation uses square brackets, replace them with [ and ] when putting them inside an external link.
territorial_extent The territorial area to which the legislation extends or applies. If possible provide a wikilink.
enacted_by The name of the person or institution that enacted the legislation. Wikilink the name to a Wikipedia article about the person or institution, if there is one. To cause the template to automatically display an image representing the person or institution, such as a coat of arms, a seal or a photograph of a building, enter the name of the person or institution as shown at {{Infobox legislation/images}}.

In a bicameral jurisdiction, use this parameter to specify the legislative chamber that initiated the legislation.

The date the legislation was enacted or passed. Select either |date_enacted= or |date_passed= depending on whether the term enacted or passed is customarily used in the jurisdiction. In line with "Wikipedia:Manual of Style (dates and numbers)#Linking and autoformatting of dates", do not wikilink dates.
In a bicameral legislature, use these parameters to specify the name of the legislative chamber that considered the legislation after it was initiated by the other chamber, and the date when the second chamber enacted or passed the legislation.
Use either |date_assented= or |date_signed= (not both) to indicate the date when a head of state or his or her representative gives formal assent to the legislation; or, in the case of the United States, when the President or a state governor signs a piece of legislation. Use |royal_assent= when a constitutional monarch gives Royal Assent to legislation.
date_commenced The date when the legislation came into force as law.
Legislation history
bill The name of the bill that was eventually enacted. Wikilink the name to an article about the bill, if there is one.

In a bicameral jurisdiction, use this parameter to state the name of the bill that was introduced by the legislative chamber that initiated the legislation.

bill_citation The citation of the bill. If the bill is available online, create an external link to it. If the citation uses square brackets, replace them with [ and ] when putting them inside an external link.
bill_date The date when the bill was published.
introduced_by The name of the legislator who introduced the bill.
The dates of the first, second and third readings of the bill in the legislature. If the legislative debates are available online, create external links to them.
conf_committee_passed The date when the legislative chamber of a bicameral legislature that introduced a bill passed the version of the bill passed by a conference committee.
In a bicameral legislature, use these parameters to specify information about the bill that was considered in one chamber after it was passed by the other chamber.
date_conf_committee The date when a conference committee passed a bill. This parameter should be used together with |conf_committee_passed= and |conf_committee_passed2= – use these parameters to indicate the dates when the upper and lower legislative chambers passed the version of the bill passed by the conference committee.
white_paper The name of a white paper relating to the legislation. If the white paper is available online, create an external link to it.
committee_report The name of a report issued by a legislative committee about the bill that was eventually enacted. If the report is available online, create an external link to it.
amendments The citations of any notable amendments to the legislation. If the texts of the amendments are available online, create external links to them.
repeals The citations of any notable legislation repealing parts or previous versions of the legislation. If the texts of the repealing legislation are available online, create external links to them.
related_legislation The names and citations of any related pieces of legislation. Where possible, link the name of a related piece of legislation to a Wikipedia article about it, and link the citation to an external website containing the text of the related legislation.
summary A very brief summary of the subjects that the legislation deals with.
keywords A list of keywords that describe the legal issues dealt with by the legislation. List keywords alphabetically, separate them with commas, and link them to appropriate Wikipedia articles wherever possible; for example, "[[Bailment]], [[common carrier]], [[negligence]], [[strict liability]]".
status The status of the bill or legislation. The possible values are:
  • pending
  • not passed
  • current
  • in force
  • amended
  • expired
  • repealed
  • spent

If some value other than the ones above is given to |status=, "Unknown" is displayed.

Criminal Law (Temporary Provisions) Act
An Act to make temporary provisions for the maintenance of public order, the control of supplies by sea to Singapore, and the prevention of strikes and lock-outs in essential services
शीर्षक Ordinance No. 26 of 1955, now साँचा:Singapore Statute
प्रादेशिक सीमा Whole of Singapore
द्वारा अधिनियमित Legislative Assembly of Singapore
अधिनियमित करने की तिथि 22 September 1955
शुरूआत-तिथि 21 October 1955
विधायी इतिहास
बिल प्रकाशन की तारीख 31 August 1955
द्वारा पेश Chief Secretary William Allmond Codrington Goode
पठन (विधायिका) # प्रथम पठन 18 August 1955
पठन (विधायिका) # द्वितीय पठन 22 September 1955
पठन (विधायिका) # तृतीय पठन 22 September 1955
स्थिति : प्रचलित
{{Infobox legislation
|short_title        = Criminal Law (Temporary Provisions) Act
|long_title         = An Act to make temporary provisions for the maintenance of public order, the control of supplies by sea to Singapore, and the prevention of strikes and lock-outs in essential services
|citation           = Ordinance No. 26 of 1955, now {{Singapore Statute|cap=67|ed=2000}}
|territorial_extent = Whole of [[Singapore]]
|enacted_by         = [[Legislative Assembly of Singapore]]
|date_enacted       = 22 September 1955
|date_commenced     = 21 October 1955
|bill_date          = 31 August 1955
|introduced_by      = Chief Secretary [[William Allmond Codrington Goode]]
|1st_reading        = 18 August 1955
|2nd_reading        = 22 September 1955
|3rd_reading        = 22 September 1955
|status             = in force

Naval Aid Bill
An Act to authorize measures for increasing the effective naval forces of the Empire.
द्वारा विचार किया गया Parliament of Canada
विधायी इतिहास
द्वारा पेश Robert Borden
पठन (विधायिका) # प्रथम पठन December 5, 1912
पठन (विधायिका) # तृतीय पठन May 15, 1913
स्थिति : पारित नहीं हुआ
{{Infobox legislation
|short_title   = Naval Aid Bill
|long_title    = An Act to authorize measures for increasing the effective naval forces of the Empire. 
|considered_by = [[Parliament of Canada]]
|introduced_by = [[Robert Borden]]
|1st_reading   = December 5, 1912
|3rd_reading   = May 15, 1913
|status        = Not passed

Technical information

[संपादित करें]

The |image= parameter in the template contains (with slight modifications) the following function:

 |{{#ifeq:{{Infobox Legislation/images|image={{{enactedby|}}}|date={{{dateenacted|}}}}}|None
    |[[File:{{Infobox Legislation/images|image={{{enactedby}}}|date={{{dateenacted|}}}}}|{{px|{{{imagesize|}}}|frameless}}|alt={{{imagealt|}}}]]

The function does the following tasks:

  • If the parameter |image= is used in the template, that image is displayed. If a value is specified for |imagesize=, the image is given that width; otherwise the image width defaults to "frameless".
  • If |image= is not used, a check is done to see if the value of |legislature= or |enacted_by= is listed in {{Infobox legislation/images}}. If the result is "None", then no image is displayed. If the result is an image file (the coat of arms or seal, or a photograph of a building representing the person or institution that enacted the legislation), then the image file is displayed. {{Infobox legislation/images}} can be tweaked to display different images depending on the date when the legislation was decided – for help with this, leave a message on the talk page.
  • Again, if a value is specified for |imagesize=, the image is given that width; otherwise the image width defaults to "frameless".
  • In either case the image is given alt text specified by |imagealt=.

JackLee came up with the first version of this function for {{Infobox court case}}, but thanks are due to Chris Cunningham for coming up with a cleaner solution that works better.