यह page how to collapse content when editing Wikipedia pages के बारे में है। the Manual of Style on collapsing content के लिए,
साँचा:Wikipedia how-to
A collapsible element contains a toggle a reader can use to show or hide the element's content. Elements are made collapsible by adding the mw-collapsible
class, or alternatively by using the {{Collapse}}
template, or its variants {{Collapse top}}
and {{Collapse bottom}}
Use of these features in article content is governed by the guidelines Wikipedia:Manual of Style § Scrolling lists and collapsible content generally, and more specifically by Wikipedia:Spoiler.
The mw-collapsible
class can make any element collapsible, but tables are particularly simple to make collapsible. Adding the mw-collapsible
class to a table automatically positions the toggle, and selects which parts to collapse.
A common use is to make a collapsible layout table, which always displays an introduction or summary, but hides the rest of the content from immediate view. The introduction or summary is in the first row, and the content is in subsequent rows. The content is then easily accessible by using the 'show' button.
In the examples below, the use of the class wikitable
is merely for appearance; it is not needed for mw-collapsible
to function.
Code entered |
Output produced
{| role="presentation" class="wikitable mw-collapsible"
| <strong>Lorem ipsum</strong>
| Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
More complex data tables can also be collapsible.
Code entered |
Output produced
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible"
|+ class="nowrap" | Winter Olympic Games
! scope="col" | City
! scope="col" | Country
! scope="row" | 1994
| Lillehammer || Norway
! scope="row" | 1998
| Nagano || Japan
Winter Olympic Games
Lillehammer |
Nagano |
Just using the mw-collapsible
class leaves the element expanded by default, but it can be collapsed by the reader. It is also possible to make the element collapsed by default, and optionally expanded by adding other classes along with mw-collapsible
. There are several methods for doing this, depending on the situations in which you want the element to collapse. However, content should not be collapsed by default per .
Adding the mw-collapsed
class will cause the element to always be initially collapsed, no matter what happens around it. It is the simplest method for doing so. Using the examples above:
Code entered |
Output produced
{| role="presentation" class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
| <strong>Lorem ipsum</strong>
| Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ class="nowrap" | Winter Olympic Games
! scope="col" | City
! scope="col" | Country
! scope="row" | 1994
| Lillehammer || Norway
! scope="row" | 1998
| Nagano || Japan
Winter Olympic Games
Lillehammer |
Nagano |
Using this technique causes the page to reflow/jump around and should generally be avoided.
Adding the autocollapse
class causes an element to collapse if there are 2 or more collapsible elements on the page. The example below, therefore, collapses because there are numerous collapsible elements on this page.
Code entered |
Output produced
{| role="presentation" class="wikitable mw-collapsible autocollapse"
| <strong>Lorem ipsum</strong>
| Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Using this technique causes the page to reflow/jump around and should generally be avoided.
Using this pair of classes, it is possible to make an element collapsed by default only when it is contained within a particular outer element. An element with the mw-collapsible
and innercollapse
classes is collapsed by default if it is contained within an element with the outercollapse
class; otherwise, it is uncollapsed by default. This is mainly useful for templates, which are often nested.
Code entered |
Output produced
{| role="presentation" class="wikitable mw-collapsible innercollapse"
| This <code>innercollapse</code> element is
| <em>uncollapsed</em> by default
<div class="wikitable outercollapse" style="padding:1em; background:#ccc;">
This is an element with the <code>outercollapse</code> class.
{| role="presentation" class="wikitable mw-collapsible innercollapse"
| This <code>innercollapse</code> element is
| <em>collapsed</em> by default
This innercollapse element is
uncollapsed by default
This is an element with the outercollapse class.
This innercollapse element is
collapsed by default
A table without a caption will collapse to its first row. A table with a caption will collapse to its caption, with no rows, therefore no width. Use class="nowrap"
or {{nowrap}}
to keep the caption from being squeezed into a vertical column when the table is collapsed.
Code entered
Output produced
{|class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible"
|+ class="nowrap" | Somewhat long table caption
! Name !! Score
| John || 59
| Bob || 72
Somewhat long table caption
Name |
John |
Bob |
Next example uses {{nowrap}}
where the end brackets become the wrap point. <style=max-width:Xem;
will not work.
Code entered
Output produced
{|class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible"
|+ {{nowrap|A longer table caption needs to wrap}} for cell phones, etc.
! Name !! Score
| John || 59
| Bob || 72
A longer table caption needs to wrap for cell phones, etc.
Name |
John |
Bob |
Collapsible tables can be combined with the sortable tables functionality without difficulty. However, because the hide/show button is placed with collapsible
in the first header cell located or with mw-collapsible
in the right header cell (this difference may change), its positioning can look a bit peculiar if the cell is not wide enough:
Code entered
Output produced
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible sortable" style="width:5em"
<!--table width too narrow, on purpose here-->
! Name !! Score
| John || 59
| Bob || 72
Name |
John |
Bob |
A possible alternative is to add a caption over the table. See the following example.
Code entered
Output produced
{|class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible"
|+ class="nowrap" | Caption
! Name !! Score
| John || 59
| Bob || 72
Name |
John |
Bob |
- इस कार्यक्षमता के लिए अंतिम उपयोगकर्ता के ब्राउज़र में जावास्क्रिप्ट सक्षम होना आवश्यक है। यदि जावास्क्रिप्ट अक्षम है, तो डिफ़ॉल्ट व्यवहार सामग्री दिखाना है।
- यह मोबाइल ब्राउज़र (या मोबाइल मोड में डेस्कटॉप ब्राउज़र) पर भी काम नहीं करता है।
साँचा:Wikipedia technical help