"रजब": अवतरणों में अंतर

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07:31, 8 अगस्त 2012 का अवतरण

इस्लामी कैलेंडर

  1. मुहर्रम
  2. सफ़र
  3. रबी अल-अव्वल
  4. रबी अल-थानी
  5. जमाद अल-अव्वल
  6. जमाद अल-थानी
  7. रजब
  8. शआबान
  9. रमजा़न
  10. शव्वाल
  11. ज़ु अल-क़ादा
  12. ज़ु अल-हज्जा

रज्जब (अरबी: رجب) इस्लामी कैलेण्डर का सातवां मास है। रज्जब की शब्दकोषीय या शाब्दिक परिभाषा है "आदर करना", जिससे कि रज्जब शब्द निकला है।

रज्जब बतलाता है 'सम्मनित मास'। इस मास को अति आदर सूचक माना जाता था, पागान अरबों द्वारा, रमजाज्ञ की तरह ही इसमें भी युद्ध वर्जित था।


इस्लामी कैलेण्डर में मास आरम्भ होता है, नए चाँद, यानि प्रतिपदा से, लेकिन गणना से नहीं, बल्कि दिखने पर। क्योंकि यह कैलेण्दर 11 से 12 दिवस छोटा होता है, सौर वर्ष से, रज्जब मास भी पूरे वर्ष भर के हर ऋतु में घूमता रहता है। रज्जब की अनुमानित तिथियाँ निम्न हैं:-

इस्लामी घटनाएं

  • On 01 Rajab, 5th Imam Muhammad al-Baqir was born.
  • On 03 Rajab, is the death of 10th Imam Ali Naqi.
  • On 04 Rajab, Sufi of Chishti Order celebrate the annivarsary of Khawaja Moinuddin Chishti
  • On 05 Rajab, the 10th Imam Ali Naqi was born.
  • On 07 Rajab, Shi'a Muslims observe the Festival of Imam Musa al Kazim in dedication of Musa al Kazim.
  • On 09 Rajab, Ali Asghar, son of Imam Husayn was born.
  • On 10 Rajab, the 9th Imam Muhammad al-Taqi was born.
  • On 13 Rajab, celebrates their first Imam Ali's birthday with great zeal.
  • On 18 Rajab, Abraham died. (In accordance with Shi'a Islam)
  • On 22 Rajab, Koonday (table cloth dinner) is organized by Shi'a muslims and non Salafi Sunni Muslims. It is an occasion for Muslims to discuss Allah and the Holy Ahlul Bayt and to strengthen ties among the community with love and compassion. This tradition is more common among the Muslims of South Asia. It is reported to be a practice instructed by 6th Imam Jafar as-Sadiq.
  • On 24 Rajab, victory to Mulims in the battle of Khyber.
  • On 25 Rajab, is the death of 7th Imam Musa al Kazim.
  • On 27 Rajab, Non Salafi Sunni celebrate Mi'raj i.e. the day Muhammad is alleged to have ascended to heaven.
  • On 28 Rajab, Imam Husayn started his journey to Karbala from Medina.
  • In the year 5 A.H Bilal ibn Harith is reported to have brought a congregation of four hundred men named Banu Muzeena in the presence of Muhammad. They all embraced Islam.
  • The Battle of Tabouk took place in the year 9 A.H. This was the last battle which Muhammad participated in.
  • The second Oath of Aqabah took place in Rajab, 12 A.H.
  • Saladin entered Jerusalem during the month of Rajab
  • On 28 Rajab 1342 AH (3 March 1924), the Caliphate was abolished by Mustafa Kemal Pasha in Turkey.

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