सामग्री पर जाएँ

विमानक्षेत्रों की सूची ICAO कोड अनुसार: U

मुक्त ज्ञानकोश विकिपीडिया से

The prefix 'U' is used for Russia and all the former Soviet countries with the exceptions of Estonia (EE), Latvia (EV) and Lithuania (EY).

Format of entries is:

  • ICAO (IATA) – Airport Name – Airport Location

U - Russia (Russian Federation)

[संपादित करें]

Also see airport category and list.

Also see airport category and list.

Also see airport category and list.

Also see airport category and list.

Also see airport category and list.

Also see airport category and list.

Also see airport category and list.

Also see airport category and list.

Also see airport category and list.

Also see airport category and list.

Also see airport category and list.

  • "ICAO Location Indicators by State" (PDF). International Civil Aviation Organization. 2006-01-12. मूल से 26 सितंबर 2007 को पुरालेखित (PDF). अभिगमन तिथि 14 अप्रैल 2009.