मॉड्यूल:Subject bar
पठन सेटिंग्स
This module is rated as beta, and is ready for widespread use. It is still new and should be used with some caution to ensure the results are as expected. |
This module implements the {{Subject bar}} template. Please don't use this module from an article or from another wiki page. You should use the {{Subject bar}} template instead. To use the module from another Lua module, read on.
Use from another Lua module
[संपादित करें]Load the module like this:
local subjectBar = require('Module:Subject bar')._main
Then you can use the subjectBar
function like this:
local myBar = subjectBar{
book = 'Book 1',
book2 = 'Book 2',
-- ...
portal = 'Portal 1',
portal2 = 'Portal 2',
-- ...
commons = true,
commons-search = 'Commons search string',
wikt = true,
wikt-search = 'Wiktionary search string'
-- ...
Please see Template:Subject bar/doc for a full list of possible parameters.
local htmlBuilder = require('Module:HtmlBuilder')
local getPortalImage = require('Module:Portal').image
local p = {}
local function getArgNums(prefix, args)
-- Returns a table containing the numbers of the arguments that exist for the specified prefix. For example, if the
-- prefix was 'data', and 'data1', 'data2', and 'data5' exist, it would return {1, 2, 5}.
local nums = {}
for k, v in pairs(args) do
local num = tostring(k):match('^' .. prefix .. '([1-9]%d*)$')
if num then table.insert(nums, tonumber(num)) end
return nums
local function makeHorizontalRule()
local row = htmlBuilder.create('tr')
.attr('colspan', '2')
.tag('hr', {selfClosing = true})
return tostring(row)
local function makeItem(image, text)
local root = htmlBuilder.create('table')
.css('float', 'left')
.css('padding', '0px 5px')
.css('width', '125px')
.css('text-align', 'left')
return tostring(root)
local function makeRow(items, heading, subheading, options)
if #items < 1 then return end
local swapHeadingSize = type(options) == 'table' and options.swapHeadingSize or false
local row = htmlBuilder.create('tr')
.css('width', '175px')
.css('font-size', swapHeadingSize and '85%' or '125%')
.tag('br', {selfClosing = true})
.css('font-size', swapHeadingSize and '125%' or '85%')
local cell = row.tag('td')
for i, item in ipairs(items) do
local image = item[1]
local text = item[2]
.wikitext(makeItem(image, text))
return tostring(row)
local function makeNumberedRow(prefix, args, heading, subheading, getItemValsFunc, options)
if args[prefix] then
args[prefix .. '1'] = args[prefix]
local argNums = getArgNums(prefix, args)
local items = {}
for i, argNum in ipairs(argNums) do
local image, text = getItemValsFunc(args[prefix .. tostring(argNum)])
table.insert(items, {image, text})
return makeRow(items, heading, subheading, options)
function p._main(args)
local rows = {}
-- Get the book row text.
local bookHeading = "'''[[Wikipedia:Books|Books]]'''"
local bookSubheading = 'View or order collections of articles'
local function getBookItemVals(book)
local image = '[[File:Office-book.svg|30px|link=]]'
local text = mw.ustring.format("'''''[[Book:%s|%s]]'''''", book, book)
return image, text
local bookRow = makeNumberedRow('book', args, bookHeading, bookSubheading, getBookItemVals)
table.insert(rows, bookRow)
-- Get the portal row text
local portalHeading = "'''[[Portal:Contents/Portals|Portals]]'''"
local portalSubheading = 'Access related topics'
local function getPortalItemVals(portal)
local image = mw.ustring.format('[[File:%s|30x30px]]', getPortalImage{portal})
local text = mw.ustring.format("'''''[[Portal:%s|%s portal]]'''''", portal, portal)
return image, text
local portalRow = makeNumberedRow('portal', args, portalHeading, portalSubheading, getPortalItemVals)
table.insert(rows, portalRow)
-- Get the sister projects row text.
local sisters = {
{arg = 'commons', image = 'Commons-logo.svg', prefix = 'commons', display = 'Media', from = 'Commons'},
{arg = 'species', image = 'Wikispecies-logo.svg', prefix = 'wikispecies', display = 'Species directories', from = 'Wikispecies'},
{arg = 'voy', image = 'Wikivoyage-Logo-v3-icon.svg', prefix = 'voy', display = 'Travel guides', from = 'Wikivoyage'},
{arg = 'n', image = 'Wikinews-logo.svg', prefix = 'wikinews', display = 'News stories', from = 'Wikinews'},
{arg = 'wikt', image = 'Wiktionary-logo-en.svg', prefix = 'wiktionary', postfix = 'English', display = 'Definitions', from = 'Wiktionary'},
{arg = 'b', image = 'Wikibooks-logo.svg', prefix = 'wikibooks', display = 'Textbooks', from = 'Wikibooks'},
{arg = 'q', image = 'Wikiquote-logo.svg', prefix = 'wikiquote', display = 'Quotations', from = 'Wikiquote'},
{arg = 's', image = 'Wikisource-logo.svg', prefix = 'wikisource', display = 'Source texts', from = 'Wikisource'},
{arg = 'v', image = 'Wikiversity-logo.svg', prefix = 'wikiversity', display = 'Learning resources', from = 'Wikiversity'}
local sisterItems = {}
for i, t in ipairs(sisters) do
if args[t.arg] then
-- Get the image value.
local image = mw.ustring.format('[[File:%s|30x30px|link=]]', t.image)
-- Get the text value.
local prefix = t.prefix
local search = args[t.arg .. '-search'] or mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text
local postfix = t.postfix
postfix = postfix and ('#' .. postfix) or ''
local display = t.display
local from = t.from
local text = mw.ustring.format(
'[[%s:Special:Search/%s%s|%s]]<br />from %s',
prefix, search, postfix, display, from
-- Add the values to the items table.
table.insert(sisterItems, {image, text})
local sisterHeading = "Find out more on Wikipedia's"
local sisterSubheading = "'''[[Wikipedia:Wikimedia sister projects|Sister projects]]'''"
local sisterRow = makeRow(sisterItems, sisterHeading, sisterSubheading, {swapHeadingSize = true})
table.insert(rows, sisterRow)
-- Make the table.
local root = htmlBuilder.create('table')
.css('background-color', '#f9f9f9')
.css('border', '1px solid #aaa')
.css('clear', 'both')
.css('margin-bottom', '0.5em')
.css('margin-top', '0.5em')
.wikitext(table.concat(rows, makeHorizontalRule()))
return tostring(root)
function p.main(frame)
-- If called via #invoke, use the args passed into the invoking template, or the args passed to #invoke if any exist. Otherwise
-- assume args are being passed directly in from the debug console or from another Lua module.
local origArgs
if frame == mw.getCurrentFrame() then
origArgs = frame:getParent().args
for k, v in pairs(frame.args) do
origArgs = frame.args
origArgs = frame
-- Remove blank arguments.
local args = {}
for k, v in pairs(origArgs) do
if v ~= '' then
args[k] = v
return p._main(args)
return p