भारतीय विज्ञान कांग्रेस
भारतीय विज्ञान कांग्रेस या 'भारतीय विज्ञान कांग्रेस संघ' (Indian Science Congress Association / ISCA) भारतीय वैज्ञानिकों की शीर्ष संस्था है।[1] इसकी स्थापना सन् १९१४ में हुई थी। प्रतिवर्ष जनवरी के प्रथम सप्ताह में इसका सम्मेलन होता है। इसकी स्थापना का उद्देश्य भारत में विज्ञान को बढ़ावा देने के लिये किया गया था।
भारतीय विज्ञान कांग्रेस के सम्मेलन
[संपादित करें]सम्मेलन | वर्ष | नगर | सामान्य सभापति | शीर्षक/थीम |
1st | 1914 | कोलकाता | आशुतोष मुखर्जी | विज्ञान कांग्रेस के बारे में |
2nd | 1915 | चेन्नै | डब्ल्यू बी बानरमान (W. B. Bannermann) | The importance of knowledge of biology of medical, sanitary and scientific men working in the tropics |
3rd | 1916 | लखनऊ | सिडनी जे बरार्ड | उत्तर भारत के मैदान तथा उनका हिमालय पर्वत से सम्बन्ध |
4th | 1917 | बंगलुरु | Alfred Gibbs Bourne | वैज्ञानिक अनुसन्धान पर |
5th | 1918 | लाहौर | Gilbert T. Walker | विज्ञान शिक्षण |
6th | 1919 | मुमबई | Leonard Rogers | हैजे पर शोध |
7th | 1920 | नागपुर | प्रफुल्ल चन्द्र राय | आधुनिक भारत में विज्ञान का उदय |
8th | 1921 | कोलकाता | राजेन्द्रनाथ मुखर्जी | विज्ञान और उद्योग |
9th | 1922 | Chennai | C. S. Middlemiss | आपेक्षिकता |
10th | 1923 | Lucknow | M. Visvesvaraya | Scientific institutions and scientists |
11th | 1924 | Bengaluru | N. Annandale | Evolution convergent and divergent |
12th | 1925 | Varanasi | M. O. Forster | On experimental training |
13th | 1926 | Mumbai | Albert Howard | Agriculture and science |
14th | 1927 | Lahore | J. C. Bose | Unity of life |
15th | 1928 | Kolkata | J. L. Simonsen | On chemistry of natural products |
16th | 1929 | Chennai | C. V. Raman | On Raman Effect |
17th | 1930 | Allahabad | C. S. Christopher | The science and disease |
18th | 1931 | Nagpur | R. B. Seymour Sewell | The problem of evolution experimental modification of bodily structure |
19th | 1932 | Bengaluru | Lala Shiv Ram Kashyap | Some aspects of the Alpine vegetation of the Himalaya and Tibet |
20th | 1933 | Patna | Lewis L. Fermor | The place of geology in the life of a nation |
21st | 1934 | Mumbai | Meghnad Saha | Fundamental cosmological problems |
22nd | 1935 | Kolkata | J. H. Hutton | Anthropology and India |
23rd | 1936 | Indore | U. N. Brahmachari | The Role of science in the recent progress of medicine |
24th | 1937 | Hyderabad | T. S. Venkataraman | The Indian village – its past, present and future |
25th | 1938 | Kolkata | James Jeans (Lord Rutherford of Nelson died prematurely) | Researches in India and in Great Britain |
26th | 1939 | Lahore | J. C. Ghosh | On research in Chemistry in India |
27th | 1940 | Chennai | Birbal Sahni | The Deccan Traps: an episode of the Tertiary era |
28th | 1941 | Varanasi | Ardeshir Dalal | Science and industry |
29th | 1942 | Vadodara | D. N. Wadia | The making of India |
30th | 1943 | Kolkata | D. N. Wadia | Minerals’ share in the war |
31st | 1944 | Delhi | S. N. Bose | The Classical Determinism and the Quantum Theory |
32nd | 1945 | Nagpur | Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar | Give science a chance |
33rd | 1946 | Bengaluru | M. Afzal Hussain | The food problem of India |
34th | 1947 | Delhi | Jawaharlal Nehru | Science in the service of the nation |
35th | 1948 | Patna | Ram Nath Chopra | Rationalisation of medicine in India |
36th | 1949 | Allahabad | K. S. Krishnan | |
37th | 1950 | Pune | P. C. Mahalanobis | Why statistics? |
38th | 1951 | Bengaluru | H. J. Bhabha | The present concept of the physical world |
39th | 1952 | Kolkata | J. N. Mukherjee | Science and our problems |
40th | 1953 | Lucknow | D. M. Bose | The living and the non-living |
41st | 1954 | Hyderabad | S. L. Hora | Give scientists a chance |
42nd | 1955 | Vadodara | S. K. Mitra | Science and progress |
43rd | 1956 | Agra | M. S. Krishnan | Mineral resources and their problems |
44th | 1957 | Kolkata | B. C. Roy | On science for human welfare and development of the country |
45th | 1958 | Chennai | M. S. Thacker | Grammar of scientific development |
46th | 1959 | Delhi | A. L. Mudaliar | Tribute to basic sciences |
47th | 1960 | Mumbai | P. Parija | Impact of society on science |
48th | 1961 | Roorkee | N. R. Dhar | Nitrogen problem |
49th | 1962 | Cuttack | B. Mukherji | Impact of life sciences on man |
50th | 1963 | Delhi | D. S. Kothari | Science and the universities |
51st | 1964 | Kolkata | Humayun Kabir | Science and the state |
52nd | 1965 | Kolkata | Humayun Kabir | |
53rd | 1966 | Chandigarh | B. N. Prasad | Science in India |
54th | 1967 | Hyderabad | T. R. Seshadri | Science and national welfare |
55th | 1968 | Varanasi | Atma Ram | Science in India – some aspects |
56th | 1969 | Mumbai | A. C. Joshi (A. C. Banerjee died prematurely) | A breathing spell:plant sciences in the service of man |
57th | 1970 | Kharagpur | L. C. Verman | Standardization: a triple point |
58th | 1971 | Bengaluru | B. P. Pal | Agricultural science and human welfare |
59th | 1972 | Kolkata | W. D. West | Geology in the service of India |
60th | 1973 | Chandigarh | S. Bhagavantam | Sixty years of science in India |
61st | 1974 | Nagpur | R. S. Mishra | Mathematics – queen or handmaid |
62nd | 1975 | Delhi | Asima Chatterjee(the first lady scientist to be elected as the General President) | Science and technology in India: present and future |
63rd | 1976 | Visakhapatnam | M. S. Swaminathan | Science and integrated rural development |
64th | 1977 | Bhubaneswar | H. N. Sethna | Survey, conservation and utilisation of resources |
65th | 1978 | Ahmedabad | S. M. Sircar | Science, education and rural development |
66th | 1979 | Hyderabad | R. C. Mehrotra | Science and technology in India during the coming decades |
67th | 1980 | Jadavpur | A. K. Saha | Energy strategies for India |
68th | 1981 | Varanasi | A. K. Sharma | Impact of development of science and technology on environment |
69th | 1982 | Mysuru | M. G. K. Menon | Basic Research as an integral component of self-reliant base of science and technology |
70th | 1983 | Tirupati | Barry Ramachandra Rao | Man and the ocean – resource and development |
71st | 1984 | Ranchi | R. P. Bambah | Quality science in India – ends and means |
72nd | 1985 | Lucknow | A. S. Paintal | High altitude studies |
73rd | 1986 | Delhi | T. N. Khoshoo | Role of science and technology in environment management |
74th | 1987 | Bengaluru | Archana Sharma | Resources and human well-being-inputs from science and technology |
75th | 1988 | Pune | C. N. R. Rao | Frontiers in science and technology |
76th | 1989 | Madurai | A. P. Mitra | Science and technology in India:technology missions |
77th | 1990 | Kochi | Yash Pal | Science in society |
78th | 1991 | Indore | D. K. Sinha | Coping with natural disaster: an integrated approach |
79th | 1992 | Vadodara | Vasant Gowarikar | Science, population and development |
80th | 1993 | Goa | S. Z. Qasim | Science and quality of life |
81st | 1994 | Jaipur | P. N. Shrivastava | Science in India: excellence and accountability |
82nd | 1995 | Kolkata | S. C. Pakrashi | Science, technology and industrial development of India |
83rd | 1996 | Patiala | U. R. Rao | Science and technology for achieving food, economic and healthy security |
84th | 1997 | Delhi | S. K. Joshi | Frontiers in science and engineering, and their relevance to national development |
85th | 1998 | Hyderabad | P. Rama Rao | Science & Technology in Independent India : Retrospect and Prospect |
86th | 1999 | Chennai | Manju Sharma | New bioscience: opportunities and challenges as we move into the next millennium |
87th | 2000 | Pune | R. A. Mashelkar | Indian science and technology into the next millennium |
88th | 2001 | Delhi | R. S. Paroda | Food, nutrition and environmental security |
89th | 2002 | Lucknow | S. K. Katiyar | Health care, education and information technology |
90th | 2003 | Bengaluru | K. Kasturirangan | Frontiers of science and cutting-edge technologies |
91st | 2004 | Chandigarh | Asis Datta | Science and society in the twenty first century : quest for excellence |
92nd | 2005 | Ahmedabad | N. K. Ganguly | Health technology as fulcrum of development for the nation |
93rd | 2006 | Hyderabad | I. V. Subba Rao | Integrated rural development: science and technology |
94th | 2007 | Annamalainagar | Harsh Gupta | Planet Earth |
95th | 2008 | Visakhapatnam | Ramamurthi Rallapalli | Knowledge Based Society Using Environmentally Sustainable Science And Technology |
96th | 2009 | Shillong | T. Ramasami | Science Education and Attraction of Talent for Excellence in Research |
97th | 2010 | Thiruvananthapuram. | G. Madhavan Nair | Science & Technology of 21st Century – National Perspective |
98th | 2011 | Chennai | K. C. Pandey | Quality education and excellence in science research in Indian Universities. |
99th | 2012 | Bhubaneshwar | Geetha Bali | Science And Technology for Inclusive Innovation- Role of Women |
100th | 2013 | Kolkata | Prime Minister Manmohan Singh | Science for shaping the future of India[2] |
101st | 2014 | Jammu | Ranbir Chander Sobti | Innovations in Science & Technology for Inclusive Development |
102nd | 2015 | Mumbai[3] | Sarjerao Bhaurao Nimse | Science and Technology for Human Development |
103rd | 2016 | Mysore | Ashok Kumar Saxena | Science and Technology for Indigenous Development in India[4] |
104th | 2017 | तिरुपति (Venue -> S. V. University)[5] | डी. नारायण राव | राष्ट्र के विकास के लिए विज्ञान एवं प्रौद्योगिकी |
105th | 2018 | इम्फाल (मणिपुर विश्वविद्यालय) | डॉ. अच्युत सामन्त | विज्ञान और प्रौद्योगिकी के माध्यम से उन तक पहुँचना जिन तक पहुँचा नहीं जा सका है। |
106th | 2019 | जालंधर (लवली प्रोफेशनल यूनिवर्सिटी) | डाॅ. मनोज चक्रवर्ती | भविष्य भारत - विज्ञान और प्रौद्योगिकी |
107th | 2020 | बैंगलोर (कृषि विज्ञान विश्वविद्यालय, बैंगलोर) | फोकल थीम - विज्ञान और प्रौद्योगिकी: ग्रामीण विकास | |
108th | 2021 | पुणे (सिम्बायोसिस इंटरनेशनल यूनिवर्सिटी) | फोकल थीम - महिला सशक्तिकरण के साथ सतत विकास के लिए विज्ञान और प्रौद्योगिकी |
बाहरी कड़ियाँ
[संपादित करें]- भारतीय विज्ञान कांग्रेस का जालघर
- विज्ञान, कांग्रेस और भारतीय वैज्ञानिक (पर्यावरण डाइजेस्ट)
- बिहार विज्ञान कांग्रेस
[संपादित करें]- ↑ "105 साल में पहली बार साइंस कांग्रेस स्थगित". मूल से 4 अगस्त 2018 को पुरालेखित. अभिगमन तिथि 4 अगस्त 2018.
- ↑ "New science and technology policy to be unveiled this year". The Hindu. Chennai, India. 3 June 2012. मूल से 24 जुलाई 2012 को पुरालेखित. अभिगमन तिथि 10 मार्च 2018.
- ↑ "After vedic aeronautics, vedic surgery". मूल से 8 जुलाई 2015 को पुरालेखित. अभिगमन तिथि 10 मार्च 2018.
- ↑ The Indian Science Congress Association (3 January 2016). 103rd Indian Science Congress. प्रेस रिलीज़. Archived from the original on 8 दिसंबर 2015. अभिगमन तिथि: 3 January 2016.
- ↑ "PICS 104TH ISCA AT SVU ARRANGEMENTS". मूल से 10 मार्च 2018 को पुरालेखित. अभिगमन तिथि 10 मार्च 2018.