सामग्री पर जाएँ

भारतीय विज्ञान कांग्रेस

मुक्त ज्ञानकोश विकिपीडिया से

भारतीय विज्ञान कांग्रेस या 'भारतीय विज्ञान कांग्रेस संघ' (Indian Science Congress Association / ISCA) भारतीय वैज्ञानिकों की शीर्ष संस्था है।[1] इसकी स्थापना सन् १९१४ में हुई थी। प्रतिवर्ष जनवरी के प्रथम सप्ताह में इसका सम्मेलन होता है। इसकी स्थापना का उद्देश्य भारत में विज्ञान को बढ़ावा देने के लिये किया गया था।

भारतीय विज्ञान कांग्रेस के सम्मेलन

[संपादित करें]

[1][मृत कड़ियाँ]

सम्मेलन वर्ष नगर सामान्य सभापति शीर्षक/थीम
1st 1914 कोलकाता आशुतोष मुखर्जी विज्ञान कांग्रेस के बारे में
2nd 1915 चेन्नै डब्ल्यू बी बानरमान (W. B. Bannermann) The importance of knowledge of biology of medical, sanitary and scientific men working in the tropics
3rd 1916 लखनऊ सिडनी जे बरार्ड उत्तर भारत के मैदान तथा उनका हिमालय पर्वत से सम्बन्ध
4th 1917 बंगलुरु Alfred Gibbs Bourne वैज्ञानिक अनुसन्धान पर
5th 1918 लाहौर Gilbert T. Walker विज्ञान शिक्षण
6th 1919 मुमबई Leonard Rogers हैजे पर शोध
7th 1920 नागपुर प्रफुल्ल चन्द्र राय आधुनिक भारत में विज्ञान का उदय
8th 1921 कोलकाता राजेन्द्रनाथ मुखर्जी विज्ञान और उद्योग
9th 1922 Chennai C. S. Middlemiss आपेक्षिकता
10th 1923 Lucknow M. Visvesvaraya Scientific institutions and scientists
11th 1924 Bengaluru N. Annandale Evolution convergent and divergent
12th 1925 Varanasi M. O. Forster On experimental training
13th 1926 Mumbai Albert Howard Agriculture and science
14th 1927 Lahore J. C. Bose Unity of life
15th 1928 Kolkata J. L. Simonsen On chemistry of natural products
16th 1929 Chennai C. V. Raman On Raman Effect
17th 1930 Allahabad C. S. Christopher The science and disease
18th 1931 Nagpur R. B. Seymour Sewell The problem of evolution experimental modification of bodily structure
19th 1932 Bengaluru Lala Shiv Ram Kashyap Some aspects of the Alpine vegetation of the Himalaya and Tibet
20th 1933 Patna Lewis L. Fermor The place of geology in the life of a nation
21st 1934 Mumbai Meghnad Saha Fundamental cosmological problems
22nd 1935 Kolkata J. H. Hutton Anthropology and India
23rd 1936 Indore U. N. Brahmachari The Role of science in the recent progress of medicine
24th 1937 Hyderabad T. S. Venkataraman The Indian village – its past, present and future
25th 1938 Kolkata James Jeans (Lord Rutherford of Nelson died prematurely) Researches in India and in Great Britain
26th 1939 Lahore J. C. Ghosh On research in Chemistry in India
27th 1940 Chennai Birbal Sahni The Deccan Traps: an episode of the Tertiary era
28th 1941 Varanasi Ardeshir Dalal Science and industry
29th 1942 Vadodara D. N. Wadia The making of India
30th 1943 Kolkata D. N. Wadia Minerals’ share in the war
31st 1944 Delhi S. N. Bose The Classical Determinism and the Quantum Theory
32nd 1945 Nagpur Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Give science a chance
33rd 1946 Bengaluru M. Afzal Hussain The food problem of India
34th 1947 Delhi Jawaharlal Nehru Science in the service of the nation
35th 1948 Patna Ram Nath Chopra Rationalisation of medicine in India
36th 1949 Allahabad K. S. Krishnan
37th 1950 Pune P. C. Mahalanobis Why statistics?
38th 1951 Bengaluru H. J. Bhabha The present concept of the physical world
39th 1952 Kolkata J. N. Mukherjee Science and our problems
40th 1953 Lucknow D. M. Bose The living and the non-living
41st 1954 Hyderabad S. L. Hora Give scientists a chance
42nd 1955 Vadodara S. K. Mitra Science and progress
43rd 1956 Agra M. S. Krishnan Mineral resources and their problems
44th 1957 Kolkata B. C. Roy On science for human welfare and development of the country
45th 1958 Chennai M. S. Thacker Grammar of scientific development
46th 1959 Delhi A. L. Mudaliar Tribute to basic sciences
47th 1960 Mumbai P. Parija Impact of society on science
48th 1961 Roorkee N. R. Dhar Nitrogen problem
49th 1962 Cuttack B. Mukherji Impact of life sciences on man
50th 1963 Delhi D. S. Kothari Science and the universities
51st 1964 Kolkata Humayun Kabir Science and the state
52nd 1965 Kolkata Humayun Kabir
53rd 1966 Chandigarh B. N. Prasad Science in India
54th 1967 Hyderabad T. R. Seshadri Science and national welfare
55th 1968 Varanasi Atma Ram Science in India – some aspects
56th 1969 Mumbai A. C. Joshi (A. C. Banerjee died prematurely) A breathing spell:plant sciences in the service of man
57th 1970 Kharagpur L. C. Verman Standardization: a triple point
58th 1971 Bengaluru B. P. Pal Agricultural science and human welfare
59th 1972 Kolkata W. D. West Geology in the service of India
60th 1973 Chandigarh S. Bhagavantam Sixty years of science in India
61st 1974 Nagpur R. S. Mishra Mathematics – queen or handmaid
62nd 1975 Delhi Asima Chatterjee(the first lady scientist to be elected as the General President) Science and technology in India: present and future
63rd 1976 Visakhapatnam M. S. Swaminathan Science and integrated rural development
64th 1977 Bhubaneswar H. N. Sethna Survey, conservation and utilisation of resources
65th 1978 Ahmedabad S. M. Sircar Science, education and rural development
66th 1979 Hyderabad R. C. Mehrotra Science and technology in India during the coming decades
67th 1980 Jadavpur A. K. Saha Energy strategies for India
68th 1981 Varanasi A. K. Sharma Impact of development of science and technology on environment
69th 1982 Mysuru M. G. K. Menon Basic Research as an integral component of self-reliant base of science and technology
70th 1983 Tirupati Barry Ramachandra Rao Man and the ocean – resource and development
71st 1984 Ranchi R. P. Bambah Quality science in India – ends and means
72nd 1985 Lucknow A. S. Paintal High altitude studies
73rd 1986 Delhi T. N. Khoshoo Role of science and technology in environment management
74th 1987 Bengaluru Archana Sharma Resources and human well-being-inputs from science and technology
75th 1988 Pune C. N. R. Rao Frontiers in science and technology
76th 1989 Madurai A. P. Mitra Science and technology in India:technology missions
77th 1990 Kochi Yash Pal Science in society
78th 1991 Indore D. K. Sinha Coping with natural disaster: an integrated approach
79th 1992 Vadodara Vasant Gowarikar Science, population and development
80th 1993 Goa S. Z. Qasim Science and quality of life
81st 1994 Jaipur P. N. Shrivastava Science in India: excellence and accountability
82nd 1995 Kolkata S. C. Pakrashi Science, technology and industrial development of India
83rd 1996 Patiala U. R. Rao Science and technology for achieving food, economic and healthy security
84th 1997 Delhi S. K. Joshi Frontiers in science and engineering, and their relevance to national development
85th 1998 Hyderabad P. Rama Rao Science & Technology in Independent India : Retrospect and Prospect
86th 1999 Chennai Manju Sharma New bioscience: opportunities and challenges as we move into the next millennium
87th 2000 Pune R. A. Mashelkar Indian science and technology into the next millennium
88th 2001 Delhi R. S. Paroda Food, nutrition and environmental security
89th 2002 Lucknow S. K. Katiyar Health care, education and information technology
90th 2003 Bengaluru K. Kasturirangan Frontiers of science and cutting-edge technologies
91st 2004 Chandigarh Asis Datta Science and society in the twenty first century : quest for excellence
92nd 2005 Ahmedabad N. K. Ganguly Health technology as fulcrum of development for the nation
93rd 2006 Hyderabad I. V. Subba Rao Integrated rural development: science and technology
94th 2007 Annamalainagar Harsh Gupta Planet Earth
95th 2008 Visakhapatnam Ramamurthi Rallapalli Knowledge Based Society Using Environmentally Sustainable Science And Technology
96th 2009 Shillong T. Ramasami Science Education and Attraction of Talent for Excellence in Research
97th 2010 Thiruvananthapuram. G. Madhavan Nair Science & Technology of 21st Century – National Perspective
98th 2011 Chennai K. C. Pandey Quality education and excellence in science research in Indian Universities.
99th 2012 Bhubaneshwar Geetha Bali Science And Technology for Inclusive Innovation- Role of Women
100th 2013 Kolkata Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Science for shaping the future of India[2]
101st 2014 Jammu Ranbir Chander Sobti Innovations in Science & Technology for Inclusive Development
102nd 2015 Mumbai[3] Sarjerao Bhaurao Nimse Science and Technology for Human Development
103rd 2016 Mysore Ashok Kumar Saxena Science and Technology for Indigenous Development in India[4]
104th 2017 तिरुपति (Venue -> S. V. University)[5] डी. नारायण राव राष्ट्र के विकास के लिए विज्ञान एवं प्रौद्योगिकी
105th 2018 इम्फाल (मणिपुर विश्वविद्यालय) डॉ. अच्युत सामन्त विज्ञान और प्रौद्योगिकी के माध्यम से उन तक पहुँचना जिन तक पहुँचा नहीं जा सका है।
106th 2019 जालंधर (लवली प्रोफेशनल यूनिवर्सिटी) डाॅ. मनोज चक्रवर्ती भविष्य भारत - विज्ञान और प्रौद्योगिकी
107th 2020 बैंगलोर (कृषि विज्ञान विश्वविद्यालय, बैंगलोर) फोकल थीम - विज्ञान और प्रौद्योगिकी: ग्रामीण विकास
108th 2021 पुणे (सिम्बायोसिस इंटरनेशनल यूनिवर्सिटी) फोकल थीम - महिला सशक्तिकरण के साथ सतत विकास के लिए विज्ञान और प्रौद्योगिकी

बाहरी कड़ियाँ

[संपादित करें]


[संपादित करें]
  1. "105 साल में पहली बार साइंस कांग्रेस स्थगित". मूल से 4 अगस्त 2018 को पुरालेखित. अभिगमन तिथि 4 अगस्त 2018.
  2. "New science and technology policy to be unveiled this year". The Hindu. Chennai, India. 3 June 2012. मूल से 24 जुलाई 2012 को पुरालेखित. अभिगमन तिथि 10 मार्च 2018.
  3. "After vedic aeronautics, vedic surgery". मूल से 8 जुलाई 2015 को पुरालेखित. अभिगमन तिथि 10 मार्च 2018.
  4. The Indian Science Congress Association (3 January 2016). 103rd Indian Science Congress. प्रेस रिलीज़. Archived from the original on 8 दिसंबर 2015. http://www.isc103.in/ISCBrochureflip/ISC_brochure.html. अभिगमन तिथि: 3 January 2016. 
  5. "PICS 104TH ISCA AT SVU ARRANGEMENTS". मूल से 10 मार्च 2018 को पुरालेखित. अभिगमन तिथि 10 मार्च 2018.