सामग्री पर जाएँ


मुक्त ज्ञानकोश विकिपीडिया से

सूचना: यह पृष्ठ सुरक्षित करने बाद, परिवर्तनों को देखने लिए ब्राउज़र का कैश ख़ाली करने की आवश्यकता हो सकती है।

  • मोज़िला / फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स / सफ़ारी: shift hold करें जब आप reload क्लिक करते है, या Ctrl-Shift-R (अपल मैक में Cmd-Shift-R) दबाएँ;
  • गूगल क्रोम: Ctrl-shift-R (मैक में Cmd-Shift-R) दबाएँ
  • इंटरनेट एक्सप्लोरर: Ctrl hold करें जब आप refresh क्लिक करते हैं, या Ctrl-F5 क्लिक करते हैं;
  • कॉङ्करर: सिर्फ़ Reload बटन पर क्लिक करें, या F5 क्लिक करें;
  • ऑपरा सदस्य को Tools→Preferences में सम्पूर्ण कैश ख़ाली करने की ज़रूरत हो सकती है।
( function () {
    // An mw.Api object
    var api;

    // Keep "common" at beginning
    var SKINS = [ "common", "monobook", "minerva", "vector", "vector-2022", "timeless" ];

    // How many scripts do we need before we show the quick filter?

    // The master import list, keyed by target. (A "target" is a user JS subpage
    // where the script is imported, like "common" or "vector".) Set in buildImportList
    var imports = {};

    // Local scripts, keyed on name; value will be the target. Set in buildImportList.
    var localScriptsByName = {};

    // How many scripts are installed?
    var scriptCount = 0;

    // Goes on the end of edit summaries
    var ADVERT = " ([[सदस्य:DreamRimmer/ScriptInstaller.js|script-installer]])";

     * Strings, for translation
    var STRINGS = {
        installSummary: "स्थापित कर रहा है $1",
        installLinkText: "स्थापित करे",
        installProgressMsg: "स्थापित कर रहा है...",
        uninstallSummary: "स्थापना रद्द कर रहा है $1",
        uninstallLinkText: "स्थापना रद्द करें",
        uninstallProgressMsg: "स्थापना रद्द कर रहा है...",
        disableSummary: "अक्षम कर रहा है $1",
        disableLinkText: "अक्षम करे",
        disableProgressMsg: "अक्षम कर रहा है...",
        enableSummary: "सक्षम कर रहा है $1",
        enableLinkText: "सक्षम करे",
        enableProgressMsg: "सक्षम कर रहा है...",
        moveLinkText: "मूव करे",
        moveProgressMsg: "मूव कर रहा है...",
        movePrompt: "लक्ष्य? एक डाले:", // followed by the names of skins
        normalizeSummary: "स्क्रिप्ट स्थापना को सामान्य कर रहा है",
        remoteUrlDesc: "$1, लोड हुआ से $2",
        panelHeader: "आपके पास वर्तमान में निम्नलिखित स्क्रिप्टस स्थापित हैं",
        cannotInstall: "स्थापना नहीं कर सका",
        cannotInstallSkin: "यह पृष्ठ आपके उपयोगकर्ता अनुकूलन पृष्ठों में से एक है, और प्रत्येक पृष्ठ लोड पर पहले से ही चल सकता है (यदि commons.js है तो)।",
        cannotInstallContentModel: "पृष्ठ सामग्री मॉडल है $1, ना की 'javascript'",
        insecure: "(insecure)", // used at the end of some messages
        notJavaScript: "जावास्क्रिप्ट नही",
        installViaPreferences: "प्राथमिकताओं के माध्यम से स्थापित करें",
        showNormalizeLinks: '"सामान्यीकरण" लिंक दिखाएँ?',
        showMoveLinks: '"मूव" लिंक दिखाएँ?',
        quickFilter: "त्वरित फ़िल्टर:",
        tempWarning: "गैर-उपयोगकर्ता, गैर-मीडियाविकि संरक्षित पृष्ठों की स्थापना अस्थायी है और भविष्य में इसे हटाया जा सकता है।",
        badPageError: "पेज सदस्य: या मीडियाविकि: नहीं है और असुरक्षित है",
        manageUserScripts: "उपयोगकर्ता स्क्रिप्टस प्रबंधित करें",
        bigSecurityWarning: "चेतावनी! $1\n\n सभी उपयोगकर्ता स्क्रिप्टस में दुर्भावनापूर्ण सामग्री हो सकती है जो आपके खाते से समझौता करने में सक्षम हो सकती है। किसी स्क्रिप्ट को स्थापित करने का मतलब है कि इसे दूसरों द्वारा बदला जा सकता है; सुनिश्चित करें कि आपको इसके लेखक पर भरोसा है। यदि आप अनिश्चित हैं कि कोई स्क्रिप्ट सुरक्षित है या नहीं, तो चौपाल पर जाँच करें। यह स्क्रिप्ट स्थापित करें?",
        securityWarningSection: "स्थापित करने वाले है $1."

    var USER_NAMESPACE_NAME = mw.config.get( "wgFormattedNamespaces" )[2];

     * Constructs an Import. An Import is a line in a JS file that imports a
     * user script. Properties:
     *  - "page" is a page name, such as "User:Foo/Bar.js".
     *  - "wiki" is a wiki from which the script is loaded, such as
     *    "en.wikipedia". If null, the script is local, on the user's
     *    wiki.
     *  - "url" is a URL that can be passed into mw.loader.load.
     *  - "target" is the title of the user subpage where the script is,
     *    without the .js ending: for example, "common".
     *  - "disabled" is whether this import is commented out.
     *  - "type" is 0 if local, 1 if remotely loaded, and 2 if URL.
     * EXACTLY one of "page" or "url" are null for every Import. This
     * constructor should not be used directly; use the factory
     * functions (Import.ofLocal, Import.ofUrl, Import.fromJs) instead.
    function Import( page, wiki, url, target, disabled ) {
        this.page = page;
        this.wiki = wiki;
        this.url = url;
        this.target = target;
        this.disabled = disabled;
        this.type = this.url ? 2 : ( this.wiki ? 1 : 0 );

    Import.ofLocal = function ( page, target, disabled ) {
        if( disabled === undefined ) disabled = false;
        return new Import( page, null, null, target, disabled );

    /** URL to Import. Assumes wgScriptPath is "/w" */
    Import.ofUrl = function ( url, target, disabled ) {
        if( disabled === undefined ) disabled = false;
        var URL_RGX = /^(?:https?:)?\/\/(.+?)\.org\/w\/index\.php\?.*?title=(.+?(?:&|$))/;
        var match;
        var urlMatch = URL_RGX.exec(url);
        if (urlMatch) {
            var title = decodeURIComponent( match[2].replace( /&$/, "" ) ),
                wiki = decodeURIComponent( match[1] );
            return new Import( title, wiki, null, target, disabled );
        return new Import( null, null, url, target, disabled );

    Import.fromJs = function (line, target) {
    var IMPORT_RGX = /^\s*(\/\/)?\s*importScript\s*\(\s*(?:"|')(.+?)(?:"|')\s*\)/;
    var matchImport = IMPORT_RGX.exec(line);
    if (matchImport) {
        return Import.ofLocal(unescapeForJsString(matchImport[2]), target, !!matchImport[1]);

        var LOADER_RGX = /^\s*(\/\/)?\s*mw\.loader\.load\s*\(\s*(?:"|')(.+?)(?:"|')\s*\)/;
    var matchLoader = LOADER_RGX.exec(line);
    if (matchLoader) {
        return Import.ofUrl(unescapeForJsString(matchLoader[2]), target, !!matchLoader[1]);

    Import.prototype.getDescription = function ( useWikitext ) {
        switch( this.type ) {
            case 0: return useWikitext ? ( "[[" + this.page + "]]" ) : this.page;
            case 1: return STRINGS.remoteUrlDesc.replace( "$1", this.page ).replace( "$2", this.wiki );
            case 2: return this.url;

     * Human-readable (NOT necessarily suitable for ResourceLoader) URL.
    Import.prototype.getHumanUrl = function () {
        switch( this.type ) {
            case 0: return "/wiki/" + encodeURI( this.page );
            case 1: return "//" + this.wiki + ".org/wiki/" + encodeURI( this.page );
            case 2: return this.url;

    Import.prototype.toJs = function () {
        var dis = this.disabled ? "//" : "",
            url = this.url;
        switch( this.type ) {
            case 0: return dis + "importScript('" + escapeForJsString( this.page ) + "'); // Backlink: [[" + escapeForJsComment( this.page ) + "]]";
            case 1: url = "//" + encodeURIComponent( this.wiki ) + ".org/w/index.php?title=" +
                            encodeURIComponent( this.page ) + "&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript"; 
                break;    /* FALL THROUGH */
            case 2: return dis + "mw.loader.load('" + escapeForJsString( url ) + "');";

     * Installs the import.
    Import.prototype.install = function () {
        return api.postWithEditToken( {
            action: "edit",
            title: getFullTarget( this.target ),
            summary: STRINGS.installSummary.replace( "$1", this.getDescription( /* useWikitext */ true ) ) + ADVERT,
            appendtext: "\n" + this.toJs()
        } );

     * Get all line numbers from the target page that mention
     * the specified script.
    Import.prototype.getLineNums = function ( targetWikitext ) {
        function quoted( s ) {
            return new RegExp( "(['\"])" + escapeForRegex( s ) + "\\1" );
        var toFind;
        switch( this.type ) {
            case 0: toFind = quoted( escapeForJsString( this.page ) ); break;
            case 1: toFind = new RegExp( escapeForRegex( encodeURIComponent( this.wiki ) ) + ".*?" +
                            escapeForRegex( encodeURIComponent( this.page ) ) ); break;
            case 2: toFind = quoted( escapeForJsString( this.url ) ); break;
        var lineNums = [], lines = targetWikitext.split( "\n" );
        for( var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++ ) {
            if( toFind.test( lines[i] ) ) {
                lineNums.push( i );
        return lineNums;

     * Uninstalls the given import. That is, delete all lines from the
     * target page that import the specified script.
    Import.prototype.uninstall = function () {
        var that = this;
        return getWikitext( getFullTarget( this.target ) ).then( function ( wikitext ) {
            var lineNums = that.getLineNums( wikitext ),
                newWikitext = wikitext.split( "\n" ).filter( function ( _, idx ) {
                    return lineNums.indexOf( idx ) < 0;
                } ).join( "\n" );
            return api.postWithEditToken( {
                action: "edit",
                title: getFullTarget( that.target ),
                summary: STRINGS.uninstallSummary.replace( "$1", that.getDescription( /* useWikitext */ true ) ) + ADVERT,
                text: newWikitext
            } );
        } );

     * Sets whether the given import is disabled, based on the provided
     * boolean value.
    Import.prototype.setDisabled = function ( disabled ) {
        var that = this;
        this.disabled = disabled;
        return getWikitext( getFullTarget( this.target ) ).then( function ( wikitext ) {
            var lineNums = that.getLineNums( wikitext ),
                newWikitextLines = wikitext.split( "\n" );

            if( disabled ) {
                lineNums.forEach( function ( lineNum ) {
                    if( newWikitextLines[lineNum].trim().indexOf( "//" ) != 0 ) {
                        newWikitextLines[lineNum] = "//" + newWikitextLines[lineNum].trim();
                } );
            } else {
                lineNums.forEach( function ( lineNum ) {
                    if( newWikitextLines[lineNum].trim().indexOf( "//" ) == 0 ) {
                        newWikitextLines[lineNum] = newWikitextLines[lineNum].replace( /^\s*\/\/\s*/, "" );
                } );

            var summary = ( disabled ? STRINGS.disableSummary : STRINGS.enableSummary )
                    .replace( "$1", that.getDescription( /* useWikitext */ true ) ) + ADVERT;
            return api.postWithEditToken( {
                action: "edit",
                title: getFullTarget( that.target ),
                summary: summary,
                text: newWikitextLines.join( "\n" )
            } );
        } );

    Import.prototype.toggleDisabled = function () {
        this.disabled = !this.disabled;
        return this.setDisabled( this.disabled );

     * Move this import to another file.
    Import.prototype.move = function ( newTarget ) {
        if( this.target === newTarget ) return;
        var old = new Import( this.page, this.wiki, this.url, this.target, this.disabled );
        this.target = newTarget;
        return $.when( old.uninstall(), this.install() );

    function getAllTargetWikitexts() {
        return $.getJSON(
            mw.util.wikiScript( "api" ),
                format: "json",
                action: "query",
                prop: "revisions",
                rvprop: "content",
                rvslots: "main",
                titles: SKINS.map( getFullTarget ).join( "|" )
        ).then( function ( data ) {
            if( data && data.query && data.query.pages ) {
                var result = {};
                    prefixLength = mw.config.get( "wgUserName" ).length + 6;
                Object.values( data.query.pages ).forEach( function ( moreData ) {
                    var nameWithoutExtension = new mw.Title( moreData.title ).getNameText();
                    var targetName = nameWithoutExtension.substring( nameWithoutExtension.indexOf( "/" ) + 1 );
                    result[targetName] = moreData.revisions ? moreData.revisions[0].slots.main["*"] : null;
                } );
                return result;
        } );

    function buildImportList() {
    return getAllTargetWikitexts().then(function (wikitexts) {
        Object.keys(wikitexts).forEach(function (targetName) {
            var targetImports = [];
            if (wikitexts[targetName]) {
                var lines = wikitexts[targetName].split("\n");
                for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
                    var currImport = Import.fromJs(lines[i], targetName); // Declare currImport here
                    if (currImport) {
                        if (currImport.type === 0) {
                            if (!localScriptsByName[currImport.page]) {
                                localScriptsByName[currImport.page] = [];
            imports[targetName] = targetImports;

     * "Normalizes" (standardizes the format of) lines in the given
     * config page.
    function normalize(target) {
    return getWikitext(getFullTarget(target)).then(function (wikitext) {
        var lines = wikitext.split("\n");
        var newLines = Array(lines.length);
        var currImport;

        for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
            currImport = Import.fromJs(lines[i], target); // Assign currImport within the loop
            if (currImport) {
                newLines[i] = currImport.toJs();
            } else {
                newLines[i] = lines[i];

        return api.postWithEditToken({
            action: "edit",
            title: getFullTarget(target),
            summary: STRINGS.normalizeSummary,
            text: newLines.join("\n")

    function conditionalReload( openPanel ) {
        if( window.scriptInstallerAutoReload ) {
            if( openPanel ) document.cookie = "open_script_installer=yes";
            window.location.reload( true );

     * UI code
    function makePanel() {
        var list = $( "<div>" ).attr( "id", "script-installer-panel" )
            .append( $( "<header>" ).text( STRINGS.panelHeader ) );
        var container = $( "<div>" ).addClass( "container" ).appendTo( list );
        // Container for checkboxes
        container.append( $( "<div>" )
            .attr( "class", "checkbox-container" )
                $( "<input>" )
                    .attr( { "id": "siNormalize", "type": "checkbox" } )
                    .click( function () {
                        $( ".normalize-wrapper" ).toggle( 0 );
                    } ),
                $( "<label>" )
                    .attr( "for", "siNormalize" )
                    .text( STRINGS.showNormalizeLinks ),
                $( "<input>" )
                    .attr( { "id": "siMove", "type": "checkbox" } )
                    .click( function () {
                        $( ".move-wrapper" ).toggle( 0 );
                    } ),
                $( "<label>" )
                    .attr( "for", "siMove" )
                    .text( STRINGS.showMoveLinks ) ) );
        if( scriptCount > NUM_SCRIPTS_FOR_SEARCH ) {
            container.append( $( "<div>" )
                .attr( "class", "filter-container" )
                    $( "<label>" )
                        .attr( "for", "siQuickFilter" )
                        .text( STRINGS.quickFilter ),
                    $( "<input>" )
                        .attr( { "id": "siQuickFilter", "type": "text" } )
                        .on( "input", function () {
                            var filterString = $( this ).val();
                            if( filterString ) {
                                var sel = "#script-installer-panel li[name*='" +
                                        $.escapeSelector( $( this ).val() ) + "']";
                                $( "#script-installer-panel li.script" ).toggle( false );
                                $( sel ).toggle( true );
                            } else {
                                $( "#script-installer-panel li.script" ).toggle( true );
                        } )
                ) );

            // Now, get the checkboxes out of the way
            container.find( ".checkbox-container" )
                .css( "float", "right" );
        $.each( imports, function ( targetName, targetImports ) {
            var fmtTargetName = ( targetName === "common"
                ? "कॉमन (सभी त्वचाओं पर लागू होता है)"
                : targetName );
                if( targetImports.length ) {
                    $( "<h2>" ).append(
                        $( "<span>" )
                        .addClass( "normalize-wrapper" )
                            " (",
                            $( "<a>" )
                                .text( "सामान्यीकृत करें" )
                                .click( function () {
                                    normalize( targetName ).done( function () {
                                        conditionalReload( true );
                                    } );
                                 } ),
                            ")" )
                            .hide() ),
                        $( "<ul>" ).append(
                            targetImports.map( function ( anImport ) {
                                return $( "<li>" )
                                    .addClass( "script" )
                                    .attr( "name", anImport.getDescription() )
                                        $( "<a>" )
                                            .text( anImport.getDescription() )
                                            .addClass( "script" )
                                            .attr( "href", anImport.getHumanUrl() ),
                                        " (",
                                        $( "<a>" )
                                            .text( STRINGS.uninstallLinkText )
                                            .click( function () {
                                                $( this ).text( STRINGS.uninstallProgressMsg );
                                                anImport.uninstall().done( function () {
                                                    conditionalReload( true );
                                                } );
                                            } ),
                                        " | ",
                                        $( "<a>" )
                                            .text( anImport.disabled ? STRINGS.enableLinkText : STRINGS.disableLinkText )
                                            .click( function () {
                                                $( this ).text( anImport.disabled ? STRINGS.enableProgressMsg : STRINGS.disableProgressMsg );
                                                anImport.toggleDisabled().done( function () {
                                                    $( this ).toggleClass( "disabled" );
                                                    conditionalReload( true );
                                                } );
                                            } ),
                                        $( "<span>" )
                                            .addClass( "move-wrapper" )
                                            " | ",
                                            $( "<a>" )
                                                .text( STRINGS.moveLinkText )
                                                .click( function () {
                                                    var dest = null;
                                                    var PROMPT = STRINGS.movePrompt + " " + SKINS.join( ", " );
                                                    do {
                                                        dest = ( window.prompt( PROMPT ) || "" ).toLowerCase();
                                                    } while( dest && SKINS.indexOf( dest ) < 0 );
                                                    if( !dest ) return;
                                                    $( this ).text( STRINGS.moveProgressMsg );
                                                    anImport.move( dest ).done( function () {
                                                        conditionalReload( true );
                                                    } );
                                                } )
                                        ")" )
                                .toggleClass( "disabled", anImport.disabled );
                                } ) ) );
        } );
        return list;

    function buildCurrentPageInstallElement() {
        var addingInstallLink = false; // will we be adding a legitimate install link?
        var installElement = $( "<span>" ); // only used if addingInstallLink is set to true

        var namespaceNumber = mw.config.get( "wgNamespaceNumber" );
        var pageName = mw.config.get( "wgPageName" );

        // Namespace 2 is User
        if( namespaceNumber === 2 &&
                pageName.indexOf( "/" ) > 0 ) {
            var contentModel = mw.config.get( "wgPageContentModel" );
            if( contentModel === "javascript" ) {
                var prefixLength = mw.config.get( "wgUserName" ).length + 6;
                if( pageName.indexOf( USER_NAMESPACE_NAME + ":" + mw.config.get( "wgUserName" ) ) === 0 ) {
                    var skinIndex = SKINS.indexOf( pageName.substring( prefixLength ).slice( 0, -3 ) );
                    if( skinIndex >= 0 ) {
                        return $( "<abbr>" ).text( STRINGS.cannotInstall )
                                .attr( "title", STRINGS.cannotInstallSkin );
                addingInstallLink = true;
            } else {
                return $( "<abbr>" ).text( STRINGS.cannotInstall + " (" + STRINGS.notJavaScript + ")" )
                        .attr( "title", STRINGS.cannotInstallContentModel.replace( "$1", contentModel ) );

        // Namespace 8 is MediaWiki
        if( namespaceNumber === 8 ) {
            return $( "<a>" ).text( STRINGS.installViaPreferences )
                    .attr( "href", mw.util.getUrl( "Special:Preferences" ) + "#mw-prefsection-gadgets" );

        var editRestriction = mw.config.get( "wgRestrictionEdit" ) || [];
        if( ( namespaceNumber !== 2 && namespaceNumber !== 8 ) &&
            ( editRestriction.indexOf( "sysop" ) >= 0 ||
                editRestriction.indexOf( "editprotected" ) >= 0 ) ) {
            installElement.append( " ",
                $( "<abbr>" ).append(
                    $( "<img>" ).attr( "src", "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/35/Achtung-yellow.svg/20px-Achtung-yellow.svg.png" ).addClass( "warning" ),
                    STRINGS.insecure )
                .attr( "title", STRINGS.tempWarning ) );
            addingInstallLink = true;

        if( addingInstallLink ) {
            var fixedPageName = mw.config.get( "wgPageName" ).replace( /_/g, " " );
            installElement.prepend( $( "<a>" )
                    .attr( "id", "script-installer-main-install" )
                    .text( localScriptsByName[ fixedPageName ] ? STRINGS.uninstallLinkText : STRINGS.installLinkText )
                    .click( makeLocalInstallClickHandler( fixedPageName ) ) );

            // If the script is installed but disabled, allow the user to enable it
            var allScriptsInTarget = imports[ localScriptsByName[ fixedPageName ] ];
            var importObj = allScriptsInTarget && allScriptsInTarget.find( function ( anImport ) { return anImport.page === fixedPageName; } );
            if( importObj && importObj.disabled ) {
                installElement.append( " | ",
                    $( "<a>" )
                        .attr( "id", "script-installer-main-enable" )
                        .text( STRINGS.enableLinkText )
                        .click( function () {
                            $( this ).text( STRINGS.enableProgressMsg );
                            importObj.setDisabled( false ).done( function () {
                                conditionalReload( false );
                            } );
                        } ) );
            return installElement;

        return $( "<abbr>" ).text( STRINGS.cannotInstall + " " + STRINGS.insecure )
                .attr( "title", STRINGS.badPageError );

    function showUi() {
        var fixedPageName = mw.config.get( "wgPageName" ).replace( /_/g, " " );
        $( "#firstHeading" ).append( $( "<span>" )
            .attr( "id", "script-installer-top-container" )
                " | ",
                $( "<a>" )
                    .text( STRINGS.manageUserScripts ).click( function () {
                        if( !document.getElementById( "script-installer-panel" ) ) {
                            $( "#mw-content-text" ).before( makePanel() );
                        } else {
                            $( "#script-installer-panel" ).remove();
                     } ) ) );

    function attachInstallLinks() {
        // At the end of each {{Userscript}} transclusion, there is
        // <span id='User:Foo/Bar.js' class='scriptInstallerLink'></span>
        $( "span.scriptInstallerLink" ).each( function () {
            var scriptName = this.id;
            $( this ).append( " | ", $( "<a>" )
                    .text( localScriptsByName[ scriptName ] ? STRINGS.uninstallLinkText : STRINGS.installLinkText )
                    .click( makeLocalInstallClickHandler( scriptName ) ) );
        } );

        $( "table.infobox-user-script" ).each( function () {
            var scriptName = $( this ).find( "th:contains('Source')" ).next().text() ||
                    mw.config.get( "wgPageName" );
            scriptName = /user:.+?\/.+?.js/i.exec( scriptName )[0];
            $( this ).children( "tbody" ).append( $( "<tr>" ).append( $( "<td>" )
                    .attr( "colspan", "2" )
                    .addClass( "script-installer-ibx" )
                    .append( $( "<button>" )
                        .addClass( "mw-ui-button mw-ui-progressive mw-ui-big" )
                        .text( localScriptsByName[ scriptName ] ? STRINGS.uninstallLinkText : STRINGS.installLinkText )
                        .click( makeLocalInstallClickHandler( scriptName ) ) ) ) );
        } );

    function makeLocalInstallClickHandler( scriptName ) {
        return function () {
            var $this = $( this );
            if( $this.text() === STRINGS.installLinkText ) {
                var okay = window.confirm(
                    STRINGS.bigSecurityWarning.replace( '$1',
                        STRINGS.securityWarningSection.replace( '$1', scriptName ) ) );
                if( okay ) {
                    $( this ).text( STRINGS.installProgressMsg );
                    Import.ofLocal( scriptName, window.scriptInstallerInstallTarget ).install().done( function () {
                        $( this ).text( STRINGS.uninstallLinkText );
                        conditionalReload( false );
                    }.bind( this ) );
            } else {
                $( this ).text( STRINGS.uninstallProgressMsg );
                var uninstalls = uniques( localScriptsByName[ scriptName ] )
                        .map( function ( target ) { return Import.ofLocal( scriptName, target ).uninstall(); } );
                $.when.apply( $, uninstalls ).then( function () {
                    $( this ).text( STRINGS.installLinkText );
                    conditionalReload( false );
                }.bind( this ) );

    function addCss() {
            "#script-installer-panel li.disabled a.script { "+
              "text-decoration: line-through; font-style: italic; }"+
            "#script-installer-panel { width:60%; border:solid lightgray 1px; "+
              "padding:0; margin-left: auto; "+
              "margin-right: auto; margin-bottom: 15px; overflow: auto; "+
              "box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px #999; background-color: #fff; z-index:50; }"+
            "#script-installer-panel header { background-color:#CAE1FF; display:block;"+
              "padding:5px; font-size:1.1em; font-weight:bold; text-align:left; }"+
            "#script-installer-panel .checkbox-container input { margin-left: 1.5em; }"+
            "#script-installer-panel .filter-container { margin-bottom: -0.75em; }"+
            "#script-installer-panel .filter-container label { margin-right: 0.35em; }"+
            "#script-installer-panel .container { padding: 0.75em; }"+
            "#script-installer-panel .container h2 { margin-top: 0.75em; }"+
            "#script-installer-panel a { cursor: pointer; }"+
            "#script-installer-main-install { font-weight: bold; }"+
            "#script-installer-top-container { bottom: 5px; font-size: 70%; margin-left: 1em }"+
            "body.skin-modern #script-installer-top-container a { color: inherit; cursor: pointer }"+
            "body.skin-timeless #script-installer-top-container a,body.skin-cologneblue #script-installer-top-container a { cursor: pointer }"+
            "#script-installer-top-container img.warning { position: relative; top: -2px; margin-right: 3px }"+
            "td.script-installer-ibx { text-align: center }"

     * Utility functions

     * Gets the wikitext of a page with the given title (namespace required).
    function getWikitext( title ) {
        return $.getJSON(
            mw.util.wikiScript( "api" ),
                format: "json",
                action: "query",
                prop: "revisions",
                rvprop: "content",
                rvslots: "main",
                rvlimit: 1,
                titles: title
        ).then( function ( data ) {
            var pageId = Object.keys( data.query.pages )[0];
            if( data.query.pages[pageId].revisions ) {
                return data.query.pages[pageId].revisions[0].slots.main["*"];
            return "";
        } );

    function escapeForRegex( s ) {
        return s.replace( /[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&' );

    * Escape a string for use in a JavaScript string literal.
    * This function is adapted from
    * https://github.com/joliss/js-string-escape/blob/6887a69003555edf5c6caaa75f2592228558c595/index.js
    * (released under the MIT licence).
    function escapeForJsString( s ) {
        return s.replace( /["'\\\n\r\u2028\u2029]/g, function ( character ) {
            // Escape all characters not included in SingleStringCharacters and
            // DoubleStringCharacters on
            // http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/5.1/#sec-7.8.4
            switch ( character ) {
                case '"':
                case "'":
                case '\\':
                    return '\\' + character;
                // Four possible LineTerminator characters need to be escaped:
                case '\n':
                    return '\\n';
                case '\r':
                    return '\\r';
                case '\u2028':
                    return '\\u2028';
                case '\u2029':
                    return '\\u2029';
        } );

    * Escape a string for use in an inline JavaScript comment (comments that
    * start with two slashes "//").
    * This function is adapted from
    * https://github.com/joliss/js-string-escape/blob/6887a69003555edf5c6caaa75f2592228558c595/index.js
    * (released under the MIT licence).
    function escapeForJsComment( s ) {
        return s.replace( /[\n\r\u2028\u2029]/g, function ( character ) {
            switch ( character ) {
                // Escape possible LineTerminator characters
                case '\n':
                    return '\\n';
                case '\r':
                    return '\\r';
                case '\u2028':
                    return '\\u2028';
                case '\u2029':
                    return '\\u2029';
        } );

    * Unescape a JavaScript string literal.
    * This is the inverse of escapeForJsString.
    function unescapeForJsString( s ) {
        return s.replace( /\\"|\\'|\\\\|\\n|\\r|\\u2028|\\u2029/g, function ( substring ) {
            switch ( substring ) {
                case '\\"':
                    return '"';
                case "\\'":
                    return "'";
                case "\\\\":
                    return "\\";
                case "\\r":
                    return "\r";
                case "\\n":
                    return "\n";
                case "\\u2028":
                    return "\u2028";
                case "\\u2029":
                    return "\u2029";
        } );

    function getFullTarget ( target ) {
        return USER_NAMESPACE_NAME + ":" + mw.config.get( "wgUserName" ) + "/" + 
                target + ".js";

    // From https://stackoverflow.com/a/10192255
    function uniques( array ){
        return array.filter( function( el, index, arr ) {
            return index === arr.indexOf( el );

    if( window.scriptInstallerAutoReload === undefined ) {
        window.scriptInstallerAutoReload = true;

    if( window.scriptInstallerInstallTarget === undefined ) {
        window.scriptInstallerInstallTarget = "common"; // by default, install things to the user's common.js

    var jsPage = mw.config.get( "wgPageName" ).slice( -3 ) === ".js" ||
        mw.config.get( "wgPageContentModel" ) === "javascript";
        mw.loader.using( [ "mediawiki.api", "mediawiki.util" ] )
    ).then( function () {
        api = new mw.Api();
        buildImportList().then( function () {
            if( jsPage ) showUi();

            // Auto-open the panel if we set the cookie to do so (see `conditionalReload()`)
            if( document.cookie.indexOf( "open_script_installer=yes" ) >= 0 ) {
                document.cookie = "open_script_installer=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT";
                $( "#script-installer-top-container a:contains('Manage')" ).trigger( "click" );
        } );
    } );
} )();